Wednesday, March 15, 2023

"I" Land


                    Please forgive an old man---my eyes are tiring .   

          I am hard-pressed to understand WHY the Media hasn't tagged the War In Ukraine as the AMERICAN 2nd Revolutionary War .   THEIR Democracy is newly Born albeit under DEPLORABLE Conditions.  It is what it is .

          DeSantis accuses the Woke of spreading MISERY .   He and his do not want to FEEL "Bad" about American Slavery Capitalism and its Confluence of Human Atrocities that Resulted in the Deaths of 637,000 Individuals, Zealots all .

           Misery in this Context MUST be supplanted by Truth if DeSantis is to be Opposed .  As far as DeSantis is concerned, Truth is of NO Value in HIS Universe, a Universe that rejects Honesty and WORSHIPS Guile .   In HIS Universe there can be no Sin .

Rock Steady........Steady az She goze ... .



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