Saturday, March 11, 2023

Miss Represent

                     There is a Sublimity to, "All of the Universe Un-Veils* Itself to me".   Here, the Doobie Brothers are not alone, Santana and his proclaim, "Nature's Dance just for me".   Here, "Industry" is laden with Secrets, Secrets that can be gained ONLY by Dedication, Conviction, Faith and Perseverance .   It is the `Same` with Sword Training, wherein Repetition 'bestows' Power to the Adept as well as the Secrets mentioned above.   Here, "No Mind" is GREAT Mind---the Attainment and RE-Tainment* of No Mind releases a Kozmyq* Receptivity, the one that 'becomes' OPEN to Wisdom at it transitions from Knowledge .   Here it is where Common Sense finds Profundity in the INSANELY Obvious ----For example :  "Take a sweater, you can always take it off if it gets to warm".   Again, in Colloquial Form :  "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure".   

          It is imperative for me to make certain You know the Source of Inspiration---it is none-other than the Ancient Kung Fu Order that is {my} Chogye Order Lineage.    These Ancients first Observed than Meditated upon the various Animals in order to "Divine" their distinct Combat Effective-Ness* which they then `Translated` to Human Physicality .   This was not done "Over-Night" but 'over' YEARS .   Here it is where 'Observation' MUST-BE bound to 'Investigation' and further to 'Exploration'.   Truths are sometimes cloaked in happenstance clusterfucks* that seek to deter abject willingness from gaining its rightful position of 'Intent'.   In short, the Universe GUARDS Its Secrets .

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