Saturday, March 11, 2023

Miss Ann Thrope


                   Miss Ann Thrope arrived the other day.  I didn't know what to do with her---hence the title for this blog.  

          Answers  to  questions  I  asked  YEARS  ago  have  arrived  and  ARE  arriving  at  a  frenetic pace .   My only guess is that their origin is somewhere in DEEEEEEEEEEEP Space from a Galaxy Far FAR  Away.  It may be a seriousNess* that Miss Take offers Relief NOT from the Milky Way but OUTSIDE our Galaxy ---even from, perhaps, MY Galaxy,,,  the Crab Nebula.  {...why Im crabby all the time...} .

          I have made Effort to vibrate with the Incoming---The Search for Intra-Terrestrial Secrets has been my Passion, a Passion founded upon what I suspect to be Primal Latency of Rock and Stone Wisdom that provides a {Psycho-Visual} Harmonic that e-x--t---e----n-----d------s passed [and through] Aesthetic Transcendence and into the Realm of the "Emerald Beyond" .   

          The "Emerald Beyond" is where "Birds of Fire"  "Wing the Infinite". 




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