Wednesday, March 22, 2023

The Yanks are slummin'

                    Democracy MAY 'Define' itself by its Institutions .  The Institution of Public Education is one such .   DeSantis's Attack on this Institution SHOULD HAVE aroused IMMEDIATE Outrage by the Educative Elite and INSTANTANEOUS Action should have been delivered in the forms first of  {Dia-Tribal*} Rebuttal and second in some form of {Pro-Freedom} Sanction.   DeSantis SHOULD-HAVE Been Publicly DENOUNCED as a Fascist MADMAN whose Maniacal Ambitions not only THREATEN Constitutional Sanctity but  Academic Solvency as well .   Instead, "Free Speech" foundationed* DeSantis's Political War Plan .   THIS is just ONE of the Genetic Flaws [of] which I have identified .   Make no mistake --- Free Speech  Allowed trump to exhort HIS "Troops" to SUCCESSFULLY Overthrow ALL the Political Institutions of Democracy with "BLITZKRIEG" Lightning .  

          Trump's Success BRED DeSantis's War Child , a Child now "Coming of Age"  .     

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