Wednesday, March 29, 2023

A Call To Charms


                    I've wondered if the   c-h-a   in charisma is in the   c-h-a   in charm .   Problem is, they don't SOUND the same ---but check this out ;   charmisma* .  

          Trump is viewed as a "Snake Charmer" ---[Therefore] his followers are snakes .   My Kung Fu is a Serpent Style --->  Cobra .   It is Legend that the Naga Lord that Protected the Blessed-One-To-Be was a King Serpent .   I have NO 'Problem' with the Serpent who enticed {Seduced} Eve to Eat the Apple from the Knowledge Tree ----None whatsoever .

          Irish Folk-LAW has St. Patrick as the "Pied Piper" of  snakes .   Managing snakes is extraordinarily Possible .   In this I BELIEVE !!!!!

Rock Steady..........Steady az She goze... .



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