Monday, April 3, 2023

The Power of Shove

                    American Media Nit Wits are "at it" again .   They are appalled and aghast at the Right's Vision Of Trump as parallel Paradigm of Jesus the Christ  .    Within this Paradigm just as Jesus could "do no wrong" so it is with trump.  Just as Jesus was persecuted and Crucifix-ed* so too with trump .   To THEM trump is the Living SAVIOR of Washingtonian Capitalism ---he is the Promise Of Earthly PERFECTION, the one of Slavery Capitalism gone the way of Evangelical Fanaticism, where Fanaticism harbingers FASCISM .   Elsewhere I have described the 'Turn' from politics to Religion----Political SCIENCE gone the way of Political ZEALOTRY .   Here it is where the Antebellum South was INDEED a "Garden of Eden", a PARADISE of UTOPIAN Splendor---a One in which Law manifested as NATURAL ORDER .   Where Democracy itself was the GUARANTEE of  "Live and Let Live" the Confederates experience this THIS as LIE, in that the North did everything BUT Honor this Democratic PROMISE of The FREEDOM of Self Sovereignty i.e., the RIGHT to Live as One Pleases .   It is this THIS that ignited the Civil War--- the Experience of Northern INVASION into Southern Paradisiacal Administration---an Administration that felt IT had the Constitutional RIGHT to claim ultimate VIOLATION of American Democracy .  In America NO ONE HAS THE RIGHT TO TELL YOU WHAT TO DO AND HOW TO LIVE YOUR LIFE .  

          You can see it right ?   The North as LIARS and CHEATS ,  Thieves STEALING the very LIFE from {Noble} Southern Plantationers* .    

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