Tuesday, April 25, 2023

"The Analects of Confucius"

                     First and foremost is the establishment of a physical presence best described as Gentlemanly.   The  Avenue  of  Progress  is  billboarded*  with  "Be a GentleMan*"--a GENTLE  Man .   A Gentleman exhibits "Refinement and Sophistication", he is a Man of Social Grace, Elegance, Education and {of course} Physical Stature presented as Self Confidence .   Here it is where the Gentleman is Calm and At Ease in EVERY Situation and under ALL Conditions.   He is Centered and Unmovable .  He {or SHE} is 'himself' REGARDLESS of ANY Stress generating environment .   In ANY  "Storm"  he is the "Eye" ,  Contained, Centered, and Calm {if not flat out Tranquil} .  

          The Social Graces include Knowledge and Practice of Etiquette, the exchange of Pleasantries, and the ability to engage in social intercourse with Respect, Commiseration and Dignity .   One word encapsulates this, Conduct .   ...to carry one's Self with the Conduct of a Gentleman, and here, The Great Master, Confucius, has no Equal .    


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