Wednesday, April 5, 2023

1 + -1 = 1

                     There is the so-called "Body Politic"---to this I must add, The Mind Politic, The Heart Politic,, and the Soul Politic .   When these are combined we can approach Dr. R.D. Laing's The Politics of Experience with unabashed aggression.  I NEED my gentle Readers to 'hold' the Conceit of Totality as they journey with me.  This Totality represents Individuals as well as Society---when I speak of Individual `portrait` the "Grand Scheme Of Things" MUST be 'appreciated' . Speaking of one is speaking of the ONE [Wholeness, Totality].  Here, "the Micro-Cosm IS the Macro-Cosm"  affords Academic Sanction .   

          However, Chuang Tsu warns us, 

                               "The One is the One, but that which is NOT the One is ALSO the One."

          Here, what is NOT Right does NOT mean it is Wrong .   Be advised.

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