Wednesday, April 12, 2023

"Excedrin Headache # 2-17"


                   I've got a "Johnny Mnemonic" headache, that's "Excedrin Headache # 2-17" for those of you paying attention.   It's compounded by injuries and emotional wounds too numerous to cite here.

          I've been "goin' flat out", mindful only of the injuries that sicken my stomach and weaken my Will.  There's this ;  "Still smarting from emotional wounds" within this This, I have transcended Genius .

          I'm trying to make this Growing Season my {B}est---at my age I SHOULD know all there IS to "know" about growing Shit .  Sadly, I am plagued by a chronic Imbecility that absolutely DEFIES my {X}perience and Education .   It's NOT that I can't overcome site-specific obstacles, it's that they "occur" in the first place, due to either inattention of carelessNess .   `Planning` has produced delightful Images, Imagination set free from stereotypical {derange-ments}---the ones of 'ho-hum' drab and UN-resourceful paradigms .   

          The "Classic" garden remains as "Dragon" Anchor, but I WANT more Space to plant the 'those' of MASSIVE Satisfaction ---eggplants, beets, 'zukes' and radishes ..   Last year's corn crop required far too much water, and it's yield suffered as a result~~~therein lies the Problem-- One word :   Global Climate Change ... .


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