Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Necessity >> the Mother of Intention

                     We will assert as "Given" the NECESSITY for [a] Change .   It is implied that Conditions exist as 'present' and that these Conditions are UNHEALTHY to one's `BEING` .   Under NORMAL Conditions we can locate {Chronic} Dissatisfaction as the Prime Mover .  Here the FEELING that "Things just aint goin RIGHT" is MORE than "Enough" to "opt" for Improvement which will lessen and diminish a "Harsh" Reality.   We want to get to a place that's "Better", indeed, "Betterment" is apt .   

          I will NOT explore 'Chronic Dissatisfaction'   {at least for now}  .   The Conditions range from Problematical to Untenable and call to question Sustainability and Viability .   "Whatever..." .   It is imperative to maintain Chronic Dissatisfaction rather to advance into Despair .   Despair is not only debilitating it can be paralyzing to the point of comatose deathicity* --a one in which Change CANNOT be exercised .   



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