Sunday, April 23, 2023

Body Dharma

                    In this title, Dharma must be translated as 'Truth', the Truth of the Body .   This 'Truth' includes Wisdom---the Wisdom of the Body .   Not only do Truth and Wisdom 'reside' in the Body, but 'Teaching' as well .   The Body as Instructor---the Study 'involves' Learning About Our Bodies, what it CAN Do and what it CANNOT .   Here, Discipline and Diligence are the Hall and Bench Marks of Achievement Through Training~~~the Acquisition of the Forms that both Designate and Demonstrate Rank.   There are Problems however.  Rank dependent upon Physical Achievements does NOT "translate" to ACTUAL Philosophical Attainment .   MANY Adepts do NOT 'know' or 'have' a PRACTICAL Philosophy that Defines their Practice .   Their Achievements lack Spiritual Attainment .   

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