Friday, April 14, 2023

Jane Meadows -- Jackie Gleason

                     It `aint-like` folks have forgotten, "How it use to be" --they don't KNOW because they were never REALLY informed.   My Generation 'grew up' during the "Cold War"--the Treat of Nuclear ANNIHILATION omnipresent .   Thing is--during THAT 'Time' Propaganda was in the form of TV insanity---Shows like"Father Knows Best", "My Three Sons", "Ozzie and Harriet" and even "Amos and Andy" characterized a Paternal-ality* that offered emotional Security in the Knowledge that the Father on Earth was as `Effective` as the Father "On High".   Vietnam had yet to  make appearance in America even thought the French Disaster was CLEARLY on `exhibit`.   Make no mistake There WERE "Scares", the John Birch Society, McCarthy-Ism were "there" but so were Conscientious Level Headed STATESMEN who were DEEPLY Devoted to a Utopia-Headed Civilization.  The Threat of Nuclear Obliteration was "held" but in obey-ance*.   Walter Cronkite did his "Sunday Thing" in the same way that Fareed Zakaria does HIS "Sunday Thing".   There was "SHIT all around"---Civil Rights as an instant particular--but We BELIEVED things would "Work Out" because THIS WAS AMERICA ,  a Land of Integrity where TrustworthyNess* and Honor were considered Virtues .

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