Wednesday, April 26, 2023



                    I just spent the last hour and a half reviewing all the "Friend Requests" I have received from Practitioners around the Planet .  I don't know WHY the interest~~~~ but I HAVE asked the Universe for Readers that will make my Efforts to Change the World worthwhile .  {BTW} It is heartening to see that Martial Arts has spread to Africa .   

          Many Scholars attribute the Origin of Martial Arts to both China and Japan, I can see and feel no difficulty in that attribution .   My interest is in the Spirituality of the Arts, the Philosophy and Philosophies that 'drive' Individuals to express themselves THROUGH the execution of the Forms, the Trainings*, and the Teachings.  

          Elsewhere I have contended that mere mastery of Techniques WITHOUT Spirituality is NOT "Enough".  Although mere training for Training's Sake is indeed MASSIVELY Valuable, it is the MIND which also must be Trained and THIS Training finds Necessity in Meditation .   Here, the Body is released while the Mind seeks entry into the Vast Emptiness that has Spirit as Universal Force .   Art is itself a SPIRITUAL Endeavor .  But what now IS this Spirit ?

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