Monday, April 3, 2023

"We seen this movie..."

                      " don't end nice."   

          Democracy is SUPPOSE-TO guarantee the "Separation of Church and State" -- the separation of  Religion  and  Politics .      >>> OBVIOUSLY <<<  it did NOT .   I  argue,,  it  COULD  not .  All Things are subject to the Law of the Universe =  "Arising, Stability, Decline and Dissolution."  There is no escape .  Here it is where AGE is the Guarantor of Change .   Athenian Youth grew into Roman Senility ---both DISSOLVED into where they are NOW .   So it will be with D.C. Democracy .

          Old Testamentalists* will FOREVER defy ANY sort of Futurism that will FORCE a Redefinition of their Religio-Political Existence---{It} can be no other way .   

          Trump Represents EVERYTHING Confederate .   His ARMY is willing to Fight and DIE for Washingtonian Capitalism {barely} cloaked as Evangelical Fascism .    The Myth of the Steal has its ROOTS in Northern Aggression, an Aggression deemed by the South as an INVASION of their DEMOCRATIC  [[CONSTITUTIONAL]]   RIGHTS .   

Rock Steady........Steady az She goze ....


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