Thursday, April 27, 2023

Swamp Flower Zen


                    I have somewhat inadvertently delivered Confusion to the doorsteps and entry stoops of my Cyber Friends, Classmates, and Cyber Followers ~~ Please Forgive an old man .   My `directive` was directed toward those NEW 'Interested' who have failed to PROPERLY introduce themselves by providing residential location, occupation,  EDUCATION and all the other "tions" that describe their `State of Physical Reality` .   I am one to "Judge a Book by its cover".  Secrecy DOES "Have its Place" in the Psyche, but has NO 'Place' in Public Trust .   

          I have tried to be an "Open Book" --- I have set forth my "Position" in the State of Reality in order that Others can "see" me .   Zen Masters use the Concept of "Empty Mirror" to describe Their "Position in Reality" but I MUST supplement Their Position with the Concept of  >Being< an Open Book .

          The JOURNEY from Student to Enlightened Zen Master may be described in a Book ---hence my Desire to BE an Open Book .   

          It is IMPERATIVE to KNOW that once you undertake the Study of Martial Arts {and Zen Buddhism in General} your Life is NOT your own.   Indeed, you "take on" the Karma of your Society and PLANETARY Civilization.  You Train to SERVE not only your Self, but the Selves of the {Infinite} "10,000" .   This is the Most Noble SACRIFICE of the Great and Magnificent "ALL".



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