Wednesday, April 26, 2023

My God --- God-Zilla

                     I LOVE thinking that Spirituality involves Divinity--the Belief that The Spirit is Divine ONTO ITS SELF .   Here, being Spiritual can be equated with being Divine--God Like.   I LOVE THAT.  Each of Us is a God capable of Miraculous Thyngs*, capable of Creations, capable of INFINITE COMPASSION and all that Other religious Yak Shit that foments Emotional Ecstasy .   

          When Spirit is relegated to the draft of plow and harrow it become Passion--Earthly representation of Celestial Powers .   At this Point, [The Intersection of Heaven and Earth] Spirit loses its Purity and becomes subject to Conditional Reality---the Everyday Phenomena of Sense-atory* Existence .   Universal Spirit is "UnCreated*" and cannot be "Defiled", so it is VASTLY different from Passion .   Understand that Spirit is an "Essence" of All Existence .    Creation is an Act of Spirituality--Keep in mind; to Create is to be like God .  Here it is where GREAT care must be exercised because , "We Create our own Perceptual Reality " ---We Create the Conditional Realty in which we live .   Know this to be True.


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