Wednesday, April 12, 2023


                     I am "beside my self" {split in tw o} because of my inability to solve America's Political Problems---and 'Problems' here is being rabidly Generous.   Given that my EGO 'subsumes' the Universe I SHOULD know 'all there is to know' about Political Science, especially the governance of the Masses.  History is a stern Master .  I FEEL as though the Solutions to GIGANTIC DIFFICULTIES are readily available as 7th Grade `Senseicalities*`, the ones of OBVIOUS "Common Sense" and Street/Gutter Discernment .  My HERO Groucho Marx delivers this ;  "Why this is so simple a FOUR year old could figure this out------------------------go get a 4 year old I can't make "heads or tails" of it."  Here it is where I wish I was four .

          Make no mistake, I have run {pell-mell} from desk-top study-ocity* ---Anger and Fury lashing my every thought---whipping me to sardonic Frenzy.   I have sublimated my rage by seeking sanctuary in the Immediate---the acts of Drudgery Deliverance---the GLORY Wurq* of `strong back weak mind` Ascendancy .   Here, within this "Inner Sanctum" RELIEF .  Here, I can effect CHANGE almost INSTANTANEOUSLY ---Effort manifested as RIGHTEOUS Movement .  Here, I can control Matter .


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