Sunday, April 23, 2023

Practicing the Practice


                    I have been inundated with "Friend Requests" from Martial Artists and Others from all over the Planet.  I am quite perplexed.   Why ?????

          When I asked One Such his Personal Politics he responded with, "NO POLITICS, just Martial Arts."  He resided in Taiwan, a recent TARGET of Chinese Imperial Aggression .   I was stunned.

          I have oft quoted a Venerable Kung Fu Master who stipulated, "The study of Martial Arts is for SPIRITUAL Reinforcement...."  , such is the True Nature of the Study.  However, One of the Primary Mandates of Kung Fu Masters is to "Defend the Truth".  Here it is where our Skills and PHILOSOPHY are  utilized  to Defend the Weak, the Poor and the Downtrodden against the Oppression of Stronger Others .   Our Duty to Society and Civilization is not only to be a Model for Mind/Body Spirituality but to advance a Philosophy of both Inner and Outer PEACE, wherein lie Security, Prosperity and Cosmic WholeNess*.   


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