Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Man of Steal


                   Trump IS "The Man of Steal"---make no mistake---Forever NOW and forever Forever .   He has STOLEN Reality and supplanted MYTH in its stead.  His Myth is AT LEAST as Strong as Christ's DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE THIS CONDITION !!!!   I have accused him of DIABOLICAL CRIMINALITY an Essence of Fascism if not THE Essence of Fascism .   Know this Cosmic Absolute =

                                       Aint NO ONE gonna change a pickle into a cucumber

his people aint comin'-back .   

          We are at WAR !!!!!  We must ACT as if our Lives are Dependent upon our Self Defense .   Each day we must gird our loins, don our breastplates and arm ourselves in order to Defend our Lives .   We must advance into each Day as if on a "Search and Destroy" Mission-  to Search out Ignorance and SLAY its Manifestations .   For you Women out there, Lady McBeth sez* it best  "UNSEX ME HERE" for us Guys it's "Once more into the breech".  

Rock Steady........Steady az she goze....

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