Tuesday, April 25, 2023



                    I'm-gonna leave you with tw o* thyngs*,  Learn to Dance, Learn to express Humor .   If you can get a Chick to LAUGH she will shed her clothing faster than a lightning strike in a thunderstorm---BELIEVE IT !!!!  2ndly* if you can't Dance you put yourself in a SUPERIOR Inferior position .  "Clumsy" and "awkward" {awkweird*}have NO PLACE in the Boudoir .

          I dated a Chick who had Ballet although she Practice Modern Dance and Majored in THAT Discipline.  She had a Gymnast for an apartment-mate, a one who didn't know how to dance along with several of her team-mates. That asked Patrice for Help .   Here's the Point,  you can understand MOVEMENT and NOT Understand Movement .  Here, technical proficiency can be executed but lack [or deny] Sexual Expression .    True GentleMen KNOW how to Dance and can   USE   Dance to excite Interest .

Rock Steady........Steady az She goze... .

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