Friday, April 14, 2023

Naked and A-frayed

                     Some-One said, "Where there is lack of Faith, there is lack of GOOD Faith".   When we extrapolate we can 'get' :   When there is lack of Trust, there is lack of GOOD Trust.   I have had dreams in which I have told my Sword Students, "DO NOT TRUST ANYBODY !!"   I added, "the ONLY Person you can REALLY Trust is your-Self*".   

          Somehow Truth has evaporated----with it TrustworthyNess* as a Virtue.  Indeed, we live in a Society/Civilization in which Virtues themselves seem not only antiquated but OBSOLETE .   Psychologically this THIS begets, Truth is Obsolete and therefore TrustworthyNess is also Obsolete.  To THIS "This" we must  now add, Virtue [itself] is Obsolete.

          Let's Extrapolate once more this time with 60's intention.   "God is Dead" therefore Truth is Dead, therefore Virtue is Dead .  

          Look at this :  "The POWER of the Divine Almighty".  "We" "Killed" God but NOT His POWER.  Now we are "left" with Naked and Raw POWER as the Vital Force of Societal and Civilizational* Behavior .   You can see IT rite* ?

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