Tuesday, April 25, 2023

The Shell "Answer Man"

                     The "Blind Poet" Homer decreed that there were only two "ways to go", with regard to Life :  "The SHORT Life of Glory" or "The LONG Life of Mediocrity".   Knowledge of this dichotomy filled me with Dread .   I felt that there HAD-TO-BE another choice, another avenue on which to travel .   Years elapsed.   After reading Hesse, Jung, and the I Ching 'The Life of the SAGE' 'arrived' to end my Dread and afford a crystal clear Trajectory, a Trajectory that utilized the Values and Spiritual Orientation of the Ancient Kung Fu Order {my Heritage and Lineage through Bodhidharma and Chogye}.    The Life of the Sage involves UNRELENTING Study, a Study of Self, Humanity and Self within Humanity [on a Societal and Civilizational* Legend*.   

          Here it is where a Sage's Life IS "The Teaching" .

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