Monday, March 27, 2023

Recrudescence Happens

                    The "stall" COULD-BE "the place of stymie".  I live in {a} sty-me*.   I stymie myself by THINKING I am the Supreme of the Supreme and that I am GIFTED by the Divine to execute vicious Altruism in the form of 'generative' Universality, meaning, I 'take on' the Role of "Madman of the People" [so] that Others can gain either relief or refreshment from the ponderings* of a careworn Soul gone the way of hardscrabble Industry .     There's this gag. "There's GOLD in then there ILLS".  I'm 'illy', indeed, I'm silly with Illy*.   Here it is where, in the course of daily 'tis + task', Gems and hardcore Jewels are to be discovered by indecent uncoverings* --- the ramp + foley of destruction and disarray .   Here it is where Clearing begets VISION .  Here it is where Vision begets Possibility .  Here it is where Possibility exits the Realm of the Impossible and enters the Realm of Imaginative Creativity .   This now, the Emerald Beyond .  Here it is where Suffering does not nor CAN NOT Exist .  Heaven of Earth---Nirvana within Samsara .   "The wind blows, the grass grows....."     

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