Wednesday, March 15, 2023


                     Know this :   DeSantis IS Putin .   They have the SAME Mind--a Mind that 'Serves' ONLY its Self .    DeSantis `operates` within a Dynamic {Charisma} that cloaks his {Wolf's} Mania with FEIGNED Political Altruism .   He stub-borns* that HE is the CHAMPION Of The Woke Haters, that HE speaks as Woke Hater  Voice,,  he GUARANTEES their "Protection" !!!    {Not Savior but Conqueror} .  {Not General but WAR-LORD}.   

          DeSantis's "Culture" War  befits a `Genius of the Dark Arts` .    He is able to activate Primal Insecurities that 'present' as Zombie-atic Degeneracy .   Recall Trump and the Pied Piper both of whom also generated Dark Arts Mastery .   We recognize Dark Arts Mastery by its Weaponization of Fear .   Trump's RE-Iteration of Nation-As-Hell DEFINES DeSantis's "World View" .    

          DeSantis's World View does NOT include ANY consideration of Evolution but of Creationism ONLY .   Therefore HIS "War On Woke" is in HIS Reality, Acts Of Creation ~~~he wants to Create a Universe for the UnWoke .   Here it is where "God" is returned to Old Testament {Deliverance} .   

          Sin and Sensation =  Sinsation*

          DeSantis is sinsational .

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