Saturday, July 6, 2024

Saint Elsewhere

                             I'm angry cuz I'm scared and I'm scared SHIT !!!!!   The dems want me to trust the Public, that SAME public that voted for trump in the first place, well, guess what,,,,,,,go ahead,,,,,,, guess.......... .

              The ESSENCE of Democracy is this :   one citizen, one vote ;  majority Rules .   I have written elsewhere that Democracy has GENETIC Flaws that are responsible for the Present Condition of Today's Democracy --- Flaws that somehow are aligned with the Evolutionary Demands and Universal Absolute that All Things MUST End in order to 'bring about' the next stage of Civilizational Development-  in this instance "Cradle-to-Grave" {Unremitting} Care .   These Flaws manifest as Corruption, Hypocrisy, and those aspects of Humanity that persevere as Instinctual Primality*. i.e., Fear, Hatred of the Other, and a Cosmic Self-Centeredness* whose only Dictate is "ONLY ME" .   Democracy DEMANDS 'Protection of the Minority'---this 'Protection' has resulted in the ULTIMATE Perversion of Democracy wherein the Minority now Rule with Impregnable Fortification .  Democracy did this to itself .

Lost Vestige

                             BIG and SUPER-Brains want me to ACCEPT Joe as a SYMBOL of Democracy and this "ploy" is the BEST that Sophistry has to offer .  {I get it} .   To ask for Someone Else to run for President is to "...cry over spilt milk"  I get THAT as well .   

              ...but there is this THING {you know} where they want me to DISREGARD the OBVIOUS Truth and instead REGARD the Principles of Democracy as the Cause and Sanction of a now CRIPPLED `War Effort` gone the way of Propagandal* BLASPHEME .  Here it is where the General Public is considered 'smart' enough to ignore the Man and instead NORE* the Principles of Democracy .    I am asked to "turn a blind eye" to Joe's  "handicaps" so that he can remain President and in so doing maintain the Status Quo that is FINALLY succumbing to the Universal Absolute of "Arising, Stability, Decline, Dissolution" .    

            Here it is where Joe is "Last Vestige" .

The Cuban Missile Crisis

                             Yesterday this from a SUPER-Brain : 

                                     "Republicans have no Principles, Democrats have no Spine".  

             I resent Joe .   He has failed to resign because of his EGO .  If he TRULY Loved the Country he would have acknowledged his own shortcomings and left the Struggle to those YOUNGER than he so that THEY  could  continue  the   War   with the Strength and Vigor needed to match that of the Republican Army .   

              Recall Kennedy's  "Balls-To-The-Wall"  threat  to  Moscow  during  the  the   "Cuban Missile Crisis" .     "Get those fucking missiles out of Cuban or you're gonna PAY !!!"   I want THAT !!! 

              Biden aint no Kennedy , compared to Jack's, Joe's Balls are shrunken and shriveled .


Thursday, July 4, 2024

"Skin In The Game"

                             What's to be done ?   Actually what CAN be done ?   The justices CAN be impeached and prosecuted .    Will the damned-o-craps do it ?????????????????????   Doubt it .   They aint got no "Skin in the game" .    NOTHING will happen to the Congress members since all are millionaires whose relative Safety is GUARANTEED .   What need do they have to fight ?   They aint got no 'skin in the game' meaning ,   they will do nothing which will jeopardize THEIR OWN Status --- add to that they are monstrously malfeasant .   They are nothing more than passive observers, reluctant to rock the Status Quo boat---- they will survive EASILY because of the Wealth we have  bestowed upon them .   Because of their WEALTH they CANNOT-BE Trusted .  I said it before and I say it again :  In Fraud We Trust .



                              Know-it-alls claim the ONLY option we have is to win the Presidency by a LANDSLIDE .    WHAT THE FUCK ARE THEY TALKIN' ABOUT ????   Trump and his have ALREADY claimed they will NOT accept the Results if they lose --- rendering the entire Election INSIGNIFICANT ---what happened Jan 6 WILL recur................ .   

               In ANY armed or unarmed combat the WORST THING to do is UNDERESTIMATE one's opponent, and for all the shits and giggles of vacuous resignation it is OBVIOUSLY apparent that the 'Left' has done just that, failing to recognize what >> I << have been clamoring for YEARS ----trump aint no ignoramus with a 2nd grade understanding of the political World---no and FUCK NO --- he is as I have portrayed him a fucking Diabolical GENIUS .    I don't give a fuck if he DOESN'T know what the fuck he's doing --- he's acting on a Primal Instinctuality that itself was the FOUNDATION of Evolutionary ADVANCEMENT .   This Primal INTELLIGENCE was and IS the Origin and Source of ALL the Fears that have been manifested not only as > Only The Strong Survive<  but also as <The Instinct for Self Preservation < .   

"Land Of The Lost"

                              I awoke to a first sentence, "All is lost."   I am hard-pressed NOT to use it and I WOULD were it not for the caution expressed by a couple of SUPER-Brains who advised, "Despair is one of the tools of Fascists ."   Still .................................................... .


Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Miss Take

                              You can see it rite ?    Trump said he could KILL someone on Tenth Avenue and he would   'get away'   with it .   Well now the scotus has GUARANTEED that "get away" .

             Democracy did this .   Democracy did this to itself .   I told you qool qats that Democracy has 'Genetic Flaws' --- that protecting the minority from the majority has empowered the minority to utilize its GUARANTEED Protection to leverage political Ascendancy ---- and so it has transpired .  


"Slaughter On Tenth Avenue"

                             I sat in front of the "idiot box" all day, unable to find the strength or energy to move .   I listened to the commentators try and explain the ramifications of trump's Immunity---the result of which was the agreed-upon statement that the scotus had rendered trump KING .   

             I tried to move my Mind, it wouldn't go .

             Joe and his had their chances, the could have defied the Status Quo and found a way to add Justices to the supreme {what a fucking JOKE} court but as usual for them they put their tails between their legs and sniveled away, leaving the court to do as it pleased .

             The sc has been Bought .   Conservative {where conservative means CRIMINALLY INSANE} justices know No Fear , since they are Responsible to NO ONE .   


"It's Over Over There"

                              It's fucking COSMIC that we now have a King "in abstentia" .   I told you qool qats some time ago that "TRUMP HAS WON"--I pointed to you that the "Stars and Bars" had attained VICTORY when it was brandished in the Capital Building Jan 6 .   Now the scotus has confirmed that victory,  Trump and Trumpism now rules the Land . 

Miss Fit

                             Now trump is King--THAT according to the 'cast' of MSNBC .   In our deepest heart, nay, in our Core, somehow,,,,, we knew trump would once again escape Justice  and so it has happened .

              There's a story for it .

               The scorpion needed to get across the river and so asked an alligator .   Knowing the danger the alligator at first refused .   The scorpion made a promise NOT to kill or injure the alligator and eventually the alligator relented and swam the scorpion to the other bank where, upon arrival, the scorpion stung the alligator with lethal force.   The alligator was SHOCKED ,  "WHY ????" .  The scorpion was unapologetic and simply snided, "At all times I must be true to who and what I am ".