Thursday, July 25, 2024

"Tiger Tiger burning bright..."


                              The Internet 'keeps-goin' ' "In & Out" which sends me the message, "Time to leave" .

              We speak of "Naked Ambition" the one of Ruthlessness and "Cut-Throat" barbaric Savagery .  Harris is NOT in possession of such Abhorrence, at least "as far as we can tell" .    I've stated earlier :  she can Dance, she can Laugh and she can THINK .   Remember the Attributes of a "Good" Mother , those of Tigress and Dragon =  Ferocity and Fire :   a  Willingness  to  Defend  her  Children  and  Speak  the  Truth  REGARDLESS  of  Personal  Cost  and   Societal Scorn .   The   Good Mother   makes   Demands   on herself   BEFORE making Demands on Others .   Such is the Nature of a True Leader as well .

Rock Steady........Steady az She goze ... .


Goneril, Regan or Cordelia ???

                              I have Questions .   ALL of us have Questions.   How effective will she be as "Command-In-Chief", meaning, will the Mil be 'comfortable' {what a shitty adjective for this} with a Woman as the Supreme ?   Is Harris capable of Joan d'Arc Transcendency ?  Can she be a WARRIOR ?  

              Will she be able to "Pull the Trigger" ?   

              Can she be a "Salt" or an "Atomic Blonde" ???????   {"Red Sparrow" is out of the question .}

              Can she "Take a Punch" ????

             I mean it this way :  we KNOW she's Good at HER Shit,  but will she be just as Good with ours ??





                             You can See it, You can Hear it and you can FEEL it = = = The Power Shift from Paternalism to Maternalism ---  the Status Quo now deriving Energy from the Great Mother-- the Great and GOOD Mother whose abject Fealty is to the Greater Good ,  the One wherein each and every Citizen is to be honored and RESPECTED as a building block and/or cornerstone of a Society & Culture, a Society and Culture that has as ITS Reckoning, an ATTAINABLE Future .    

              With Joe and trump, all that can be "Seen" is the Presence of DEATH .  Indeed, trump has nothing BUT     >>>  "Dead Reckoning"   as  his  navigation  mechanism .   "Dead"   because his View is NOT "Forward" into a Future where the Promise of a Better Life is all but GUARANTEED ,, but BACKWARD --- to a Time of inconsolable Sorrow; the Time of Civil War and most bitter HATRED even within Families, the one where Brother turned against Brother --- a Familial Suicide by Fratricide .






                             I began yesterday afternoon by beginning Aesop's Fables which I did for an hour or so, and then putting that down and picking up Patrick Mullahy's  Oedipus  Myth and Complex .   Munro Leaf's new version is an update, a modernization of Aesop, wherein the 'Moral' at the end of each Fable is modified to be of value in this, our Present .  This is the role of Modern Day Authors, to make relevant the Classic Traditions of the Ancients that we may gain their Insights and Wisdoms and [then] apply them to contemporary conditions .   

              Some time inside of "Ago" I proffered an analysis that overlaid the Oedipus Complex onto current political theater, citing the abject NECESSITY to "Kill" (symbolically speaking) the "Father" in order to free one's self from the bondage and burdens of Paternal `Mass` .   I was speaking of trump of course, that his overbearing WEIGHT [Mass] was crushing America with a RUTHLESS and Cruel Paternalism which literally HALTED advance into ANY >>> Future .   

              In the same way that there is a "Good" Mother and a "Bad Mother" so it is with Fathership* .  Trump is the "Bad" Father while Biden is the "Good" Father .   In a BRILLIANT Act of Common Sense Joe relinquished his Paternal Mass {Status Quo} and passed it onto the Shoulders of Harris .   This, although presently unrecognizable, is the "Death of the King" [Father] which satisfies "The King Must Die" ---  the Oedipus Complex actualized {and Relief forthcoming} .


Tuesday, July 23, 2024

"Beat it ---just BEAT IT"

                              I had some 2 year old "Thompson's Water Seal" that had 'separated-out'.  I figured all I had to do was mix it sternly so it cood* be applied "as directed" .    Instead of standard stick I had the fucking BRILLIANT idea to use a mixer, you know the one, the one with twin beaters--   I had one-- it hadn't been used in years, still, what cood be rwong with it ???   Well--guess what, go ahead----guess .   Yup -- you guessed it .   I suffer from REAL insanity --- I unscrewed the housing and looked at the chassis-- the push tab was disconnected ---fuck it I didn't need it anyway, so I rescrewed it and replugged it.  Nothing   {   ...   } .   2 words :   junk .

             I wrapped it up in its own cord and placed it on the stairs so I cood trip over it at a later time .   But when I stood up >>> IT <<< 'came' to me .   It WASN'T the mixer I needed BUT THE BEATERS !!!   I cood use ONE beater and the DRILL to exercise the mix .  Did it `work` ??   FUCK-YEAH .  It was useless to ask, "Why hadn't I seen that before ?"   I asked it anyway .   Stupit duz what stupit IZ .

Blind Fate

                         I found the battery charger .   It was in plain site* .   I had torn up and torn through every orifice and crevice were I could have put it .  I found other shit I forgot I had, stuff that NOW I need .   Go figure ..... .

              I know what you're thinkin' :   "Wow Sabom, you are quite the idiot."   I am ~~~~ I SOOOO am .

              I humiliate myself and I'm quite good at it -- no  I'm GRRRRRREAT at it !!!

              For the 737th  QUADZILLIONTH  time  I  asked  myself,  "How  did  things  get  so  fucking fucked-up ?"   

              I mean, that's the rwong question, so is, "Why the fuck didn't I see it before ?"

              The REAL question is ; "Why did the Forces of the Universe PREVENT me from seeing it ?"   Why would the Universe deal me this `blind hand` ?   All I wanted to do was charge the batteries to power my drill, that's it ~~~~~~~~~~~~~  so then,,,,, WTF ?


Sunday, July 21, 2024

"She''ll be comin' 'round the mountain when she comes..."

                             Joe has come to his Senses and withdrawn from the Election "Race" .   Now we have a Chance .

              Recall this statement by one of the major SUPER-Brains :   "There are folks out there who would rather live in a COMMUNIST State or even DIE before they would vote for a Democrat, Liberal, Negro or Spanish Speaker " .  

              If you've been  a  Scrutinizer* of the Campaign you KNOW that Biden was their sole Target, that ALL their weaponizations have been directed at Joe and his Age .   Now they have a Liberal BLACK Woman as their Target --IT aint-gonna get no EZer .

              There are so many FIRSTS they seem Innumerable and even Immeasurable .   

               Check out the NEGATIVES :

                                 She's a Woman ----------strike one

                                 She's Black --------------strike two

                                  She's Liberal ------------strike three 

Good thing this aint baseball .

"If 6 was 9"

                             There is no "Manual For Aging Gracefully" .   These days I'm thinkin' about THAT .  

              You qydz see any 'Grace' in Biden's movement ?   You aint-gonna see any in my movements neither .  He's 81, I'm 73 .   Know this, for every task there is activity AND  Rest that allows for that activity to come to its conclusion .   Here, the Rest IS part of the job .   I useta* mow the entire property AND line trim in just under ONE hour .   These days I section out the mowing and span it over THREE days .   I mean I COOD mow everything in one day but that will necessitate a   2  or even   THREE   day convalescence --- I shyte you not .

              I useta get in a weight work-out, have b-fast, rest and around 3 or so do Sword for an hour .  2 words :;    IMPOSSIBLE .  I mean I COOD do it but then ................................... .

              In "The Olden Days Before Sanity" I  BELIEVED I cood fend-off Weakness by adhering to a regimen of strict Training Disciplines .   2 words :;  Gone .  

              On a good day 10 pounds is 10 pounds and the day after, 10 pound is STILL 10 pounds .   But some days 10 pounds FEELS like 20 and the day following, 80 .   Believe me .




" Invisible Touch"

                              I can't locate my "Skil" 18 Volt battery charger --- the other day  I couldn't recall the name of the road I spent HOURS upon when we lived at Barbara Manor .   Old Age sucks .

             Is it time to commit Seppuku ?  Maybe, prob'ly not ~~~ what would be the point if after 49 days I return with the same age-degeneration propensity ?

             I spent a good number of years gathering quotations for a book on Achieving and/or Attaining Manhood ~~~ they lie dormant in folders and a HUGE 3-Ring Binder [get this] for EZ access .   It MAY be perceived that I have succumbed to the Inevitable by taking the "EZ way out", rwiting blogs and bloids that someone else must organize into a meaningful broad-scape Panorama .  Here's what I say to myself, "Good Luck with THAT, asshole".

            What I never Realized was that Old Age would be some sort of Thief who enters the Night with a stealth that brandishes Invisibility and worse {if it can get any worse} an Invisibility that deadens all sensation .   

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Levy Bruhl

                              I have argued {with toxic vehemence} that  Human Nature is Foundationed upon Instinctual Primality, the so-called >Condition< of Levi Bruhl's "Participation Mystique".   Here it is where Humankind as a Species is dependent upon its Pre-Conscious-Ness --- the one that recognizes the "Law of the Jungle" as DOMINANT >>> Force<<< that is the "Driver" of Humankind's Activities .   Here it is where "BECAUSE" is the Ultimate 'Rationality' for NON-THINKING decision-making .   Here it is where "If the Herd does it, no criminality can be exploited".  Here it is where UNCONSCIOUS PROMPTINGS actually govern the Will and therefore the Activities of `day-to-day` Existence .   

              Located within the "Participation Mystique" are those Instincts, (chief among them the "Instinct of Self-Preservation"), which are themselves SANCTIONS for "Kill or be Killed" and  "Eat or be Eaten".   We have been taught that it is Civilization that is responsible for our Education, an Education that sometimes does NOT supply an Evolutionary Trajectory that favors Self-Sacrifice but rather ampLIFIES Ego-driven competition .   

             "Uhhhhh Houston ????    We have a Problem . 

Santa Lucidity

                             It ain't like 'trumpism' is new, for the dead of reckoning we MAY consider Hitler and his Nazi-ism as the Origin and Source of trumpism, indeed, vance tagged trump as "the American Hitler".  that appellation can suffice as it is, I mean, for now .  Presently, I am inclined to recognize the American Nuclear Holocaust as THE "Beginning of the 2nd Dark Ages", in that Civilization, in its Democratic Form considered the   ANNIHILATION   of    INNOCENT CIVILIANS,    as  a    "NO-OTHER-CHOICE" Option to end WWII .   The {Heavenly} Heights ,   Heights whose Earthly Foundation was none-other than, "Might is Right" .       Here it is where WAR is the ULTIMATE Peace-Maker and KILLING is the Solution of ALL Human Shortcomings .   Here it is where Death CAN-BE >>Proud<< .  Civilization itself, resorting  to its most   BARBAROUS    Wicked-Ness,   in  the  name  of  its {Evolutionary} `advancement` .       But is 'it' the end of 'it' ??   2 words :  Hardly .                

"Bye-Bye American Pie"

                              I wuzint-gonna* write this morning, I thought I had nothing to say, but when I tried to leave Chairy-Chair I decided I didn't want to roll through another day with just one notion attacking me from all sides .   That notion is this :   Should trump win, and I BELIEVE it is  DEFINITE 'Maybe' the first or second thing he will do is declare Martial Law and then SUSPEND all Federal Elections .   "Lose, or Draw, trump will Declare the Elections as Corrupt and therefore INVALID .  He wins either way .

Friday, July 12, 2024

"We must check the cell structure..."

                         I've adopted the Requiem of Humpty Dumpty to express this :  ...all the President's Forces and all the President's men couldn't put Humpty [back] together again .   Joe was shattered by trump, everyone agrees --- but now I call on Woody Allen and his "Sleeper" wherein the Nation is ruled by what was left of its "Fearless Leader" -- his nose .   That's all that was needed to 'run' the Nation, i.e., it was the Nation's Status Quo that continued Governmental Operations without any loss of Continuity .   I love, Love, LOVE comic Fantasy ---it's so TELLING .

"...and all the President's men..."

                             Joe did 'ok' last evening .   The best line :  "It was Joe just being normal".  

             Still...  almost  every  poll  has  him  losing  significantly .    It  isn't  just   'concerning'   it's ALARMING .   Joe and his have been touting the Economy as an indicator not just of his/their reckoning but as Proof that Joe remains Capable .    Yet the folks who have been polled state that they don't like Joe because of his age .   Folks would rather 'beat-on' Joe than beat-on trump---Fear does this .

             Then there's this 'something' that manifests as, "You only hurt the one you love" .   We hear this : "I Love the guy >>> BUT" .   

             It's OBVIOUS that Joe can't beat trump in a one-on-one debate, thing is, he doesn't have to .   Joe has surrounded himself with smart folks who excel at their Positions--THAT'S all that TRULY Matters .  Folks don't seem to 'get' that .

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Black Lies Matter

                              If we take a sojourn in the "Way Back" Machine we will find a few blogs that claim that as a Civilization we do NOT 'need' the Truth .   We did okay with understanding that the Moon was blue cheese and that the Earth was flat .   SOMEHOW {It really ain't Somehow but Evolution} Civilization 'got through' the Dark Ages and into the Age of Enlightenment .   Here it is where Logic and Higher Order thinking REVOLUTIONIZED Western Conscious [The Collective Conscious {something I devised by stealing from Dr. Carl Jung's "Collective UN-Conscious{ ] .    Here it is where Truth achieved an Ascendancy over the "Heart" of all "Matters" .   {The Rule of Logic over both Ethos and Pathos {as Pirsig has outlined in Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance } .   I'm no fan of Truth ,  I have written Elsewhere that Truth Kills, in the exact same way that Love is also a Mindless Killer with regard to the Love of one's country and one's willingness to Kill and Die for IT .   Within both Truth and Love lies a hideous component of Lethality that comforts both Patriots and forlorn Romantics .  

               Recently I have chanced upon the Notion that Truth and Honesty are different despite being "of the same fabric" .    One can be Truthful WITHOUT being Honest .   I can deliver the Truth and hold back Honesty .  Here it is were Truth can reside in the superficial, and does so with extreme ease whereas Honesty is bound to one's Cosmic Soul and as such can defy Truth as a Universal Absolute .   

               Astrophysicists can claim ;  Oh yeah, it's the BIG Bang [Truth] but we really don't know--- [Honesty] .  

               Can you dig it ?


                             Because I can "Read Minds",  I know that you qool qats are thinkin',  "Sabom, what makes you think that Logic can circumvent Will if both "Trial & Error" and "Common Sense" are ineffective with regard to the Actualization of Effort ?"   It's a good thought and Great Question .  

               I'm coming to Understand that Logic has within it a `Form` of Cosmic Energy --- [that] when my Body can't move but it is NECESSARY to move, 'applying' Logic to [the] prevailing circumstances ignites a `fire` of Motivation .    This 'Motivation" [somehow] makes it EASIER to move, and this EZ-Ness is based upon Logic's innate Simplicity .   1 + 1 = 2 .   We do NOT have to solve "Find the square root of pi" in order to move a table saw to a protective location ---  1 + 1 = 2 is MORE-THAN adequate .

               However, there are Problems, there are ALWAYS Problems .




Where's there's a Will, there's a Won't .

                         Recall the expression, "Where there's a Will, there's a Way" ?   Suppose there is NO Will, then what ?    Does anything get done ?   If so, how ?  

              What is the Source of  >Will<  ?    A cursory check gives us >Desire< which is =  'I WANT' .  Perhaps it can be obliged that 'I Want" comes first, THEN Will , as Will manifests as Action .   We say,  "If you want something you gotta make it happen."   We must capture "make" in order to grasp the importance of "make it happen" .   Here, 'make' has the aspect of 'construct', in that one must 'construct' a Reality in which the Desire manifests as ACTUAL Effort .   

              Can Will-Power be circumvented ?  Is there a "Something Else" that will supply Energy ?

              I'm thinkin' of one Possibility ;   2 words :   Logic .

Assault of Battery

                             I went out to apply water repellent to a couple of plywood sheets and whatever tools required more conditioning....  It started to sprinkle----- enough for me to "tap out" INSTANTLY ~~~~ I'm weak, so weak ..... .   I'm tellin' you qids, I ain't JUST lazy --- I'm more, so MUCH More ... .

               This ---> Condition <---  IS "Old Age", of that I'm CERTAIN .   I've given attention to "Will-Power" {Let's look at it as one hyphenated item >> Will-Power<<} --- the Inner Motivating Force , that is {somehow} Demanded by one's [our] Conscious to "get things done" .   Pirsig adds Strength to Will-Power by using the word "Gumption" .   I'm calling Gumption = Interior GUTS :  where Guts is a 'station' of "Grit your teeth and gut it out".   I don't-wanna grit my teeth nor GRIND them, I just wanna find some SMOOOOOOTH GLLLIIIIIIIIIDE that manifests Effortlessness in outward activity, the way it is Effortless to breathe and blink .   

               Remember that [now] old Nike expression, "Just DO it" ?   Well THAT is for YOUNG folk, NOT us old "geezers'--indeed,EVERY task THESE DAYS , requires IN DEPTH ANALYSIS, even the most trivial--- Why ? --- because EVERY task demands Energy---- as if my body is a battery with a DEFINITE "life expectancy" --- and when that battery is drained, there ain't no "Comin' Back" without a FULL recharge that sometimes requires not one but TW O days of [get this] CONVALESCENCE .   

              Life sucks, then you cry ..................................................... .

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

"I rock, I ran"

                              With the 'Turning' of Great Britain and France and even the election of a Reformist in Iran, I WANT to Believe that these are indicators of a somewhat Global Consciousness that has "Seen The Light" .    The "Want" aint that big .   France, for example, CANNOT be Ruled by EITHER  the Right or the Left, and has found itself  in a political Purgatory of  Stand-off .   Great Britain was a referendum on its Leader not so much its Governing Ideology although those HERE are bent on claiming Victory ! for the Essences of Democracy .    We'll see .

              Joe has "jumped all over" Britain's Trajectory Alteration, and he claims, "That will happen here", meaning, America, too, will "come to its Senses" and realign itself with the Political Altruism partially defined by "Obama-Care", Medic-Care and Medic-Aid .   

              I wonder if the "a-n-g-e" in "Change" is the same "a-n-g-e" in "Anger" ~~~~~ if so,, 'it' would explain alot .

The Art of Flaw

                              To date, I have been unable to formulate a Zen Response to the Wars in Ukraine and Israel/Gaza/West Bank/Lebanon  [ Wars in general for that matter]  and Sun Tzu's The Art of War is, for the most part, beyond the scope of the Population's Intellectual Grasp:  I think because "Art" is something of a Romantically Idealized Conceit which reduces The Art of War to imaginative, albeit Violent, 'Dysposition'* .   The Characterizations of Sun Tzu are for the War Minded, Soldiers and their Commanders, NOT for the so-called "General Public" anyway, I mean, there's THAT .  

              Here it is where the Tao Te Ching IS extremely Valuable as a FOUNDATION of Perspective, even though, it is Lao Tzu's IDEALIZED Opinion of Political >>> Operations .   Still, the General Public CANNOT  be  expected  to  delve  into  flagrantly esoteric  Doctrines  in  order  to  gain  a  Cosmic Consciousness that would afford {skeptical} Understanding, and besides, "Too much Understanding CANNOT help you".   On the Street and in the gutter this :  "Who gives a fucking shit ?"   

              Still .................................. .


                         Some mornings I don't know who to give my pen to, which one of 'me' (s)  is capable of writing decent shit that has Universal Value --- shit that not only describes Reality but offer explanations that makes Sense of the Chaos and Confusion caused by the unrelenting bombing of Mind, one sensation after another, one exPLOSION after another, the result of which generates a > numbness < that is itself a perverted form of  Relief .   'It' looks like this :   "I don't feel therefore I can rest".

              Were, that this 'rest' could be akin to Peace, as in "Peace of Mind", no and FUCK NO, 'it' ain't 'that' at all, rather this > Numbness <  is 'self-protection ', the Mind finding NECESSITY in shielding itself from the onslaught of Horror and Incomprehensibility, the workings and machinations of the Status Quo gone the way of Nuclear Psychological Devastation .   And, it ain't over even WHEN it's over ~~~ radioactive fallout poisoning our Collective Psyche with penetrative implosions that expose our Inmost Being to Primitive Iconoclasms, the likes of which impede Rationality and promote the bases of Fear and Superstition .   

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Saint Elsewhere

                             I'm angry cuz I'm scared and I'm scared SHIT !!!!!   The dems want me to trust the Public, that SAME public that voted for trump in the first place, well, guess what,,,,,,,go ahead,,,,,,, guess.......... .

              The ESSENCE of Democracy is this :   one citizen, one vote ;  majority Rules .   I have written elsewhere that Democracy has GENETIC Flaws that are responsible for the Present Condition of Today's Democracy --- Flaws that somehow are aligned with the Evolutionary Demands and Universal Absolute that All Things MUST End in order to 'bring about' the next stage of Civilizational Development-  in this instance "Cradle-to-Grave" {Unremitting} Care .   These Flaws manifest as Corruption, Hypocrisy, and those aspects of Humanity that persevere as Instinctual Primality*. i.e., Fear, Hatred of the Other, and a Cosmic Self-Centeredness* whose only Dictate is "ONLY ME" .   Democracy DEMANDS 'Protection of the Minority'---this 'Protection' has resulted in the ULTIMATE Perversion of Democracy wherein the Minority now Rule with Impregnable Fortification .  Democracy did this to itself .

Lost Vestige

                             BIG and SUPER-Brains want me to ACCEPT Joe as a SYMBOL of Democracy and this "ploy" is the BEST that Sophistry has to offer .  {I get it} .   To ask for Someone Else to run for President is to "...cry over spilt milk"  I get THAT as well .   

              ...but there is this THING {you know} where they want me to DISREGARD the OBVIOUS Truth and instead REGARD the Principles of Democracy as the Cause and Sanction of a now CRIPPLED `War Effort` gone the way of Propagandal* BLASPHEME .  Here it is where the General Public is considered 'smart' enough to ignore the Man and instead NORE* the Principles of Democracy .    I am asked to "turn a blind eye" to Joe's  "handicaps" so that he can remain President and in so doing maintain the Status Quo that is FINALLY succumbing to the Universal Absolute of "Arising, Stability, Decline, Dissolution" .    

            Here it is where Joe is "Last Vestige" .

The Cuban Missile Crisis

                             Yesterday this from a SUPER-Brain : 

                                     "Republicans have no Principles, Democrats have no Spine".  

             I resent Joe .   He has failed to resign because of his EGO .  If he TRULY Loved the Country he would have acknowledged his own shortcomings and left the Struggle to those YOUNGER than he so that THEY  could  continue  the   War   with the Strength and Vigor needed to match that of the Republican Army .   

              Recall Kennedy's  "Balls-To-The-Wall"  threat  to  Moscow  during  the  the   "Cuban Missile Crisis" .     "Get those fucking missiles out of Cuban or you're gonna PAY !!!"   I want THAT !!! 

              Biden aint no Kennedy , compared to Jack's, Joe's Balls are shrunken and shriveled .


Thursday, July 4, 2024

"Skin In The Game"

                             What's to be done ?   Actually what CAN be done ?   The justices CAN be impeached and prosecuted .    Will the damned-o-craps do it ?????????????????????   Doubt it .   They aint got no "Skin in the game" .    NOTHING will happen to the Congress members since all are millionaires whose relative Safety is GUARANTEED .   What need do they have to fight ?   They aint got no 'skin in the game' meaning ,   they will do nothing which will jeopardize THEIR OWN Status --- add to that they are monstrously malfeasant .   They are nothing more than passive observers, reluctant to rock the Status Quo boat---- they will survive EASILY because of the Wealth we have  bestowed upon them .   Because of their WEALTH they CANNOT-BE Trusted .  I said it before and I say it again :  In Fraud We Trust .



                              Know-it-alls claim the ONLY option we have is to win the Presidency by a LANDSLIDE .    WHAT THE FUCK ARE THEY TALKIN' ABOUT ????   Trump and his have ALREADY claimed they will NOT accept the Results if they lose --- rendering the entire Election INSIGNIFICANT ---what happened Jan 6 WILL recur................ .   

               In ANY armed or unarmed combat the WORST THING to do is UNDERESTIMATE one's opponent, and for all the shits and giggles of vacuous resignation it is OBVIOUSLY apparent that the 'Left' has done just that, failing to recognize what >> I << have been clamoring for YEARS ----trump aint no ignoramus with a 2nd grade understanding of the political World---no and FUCK NO --- he is as I have portrayed him a fucking Diabolical GENIUS .    I don't give a fuck if he DOESN'T know what the fuck he's doing --- he's acting on a Primal Instinctuality that itself was the FOUNDATION of Evolutionary ADVANCEMENT .   This Primal INTELLIGENCE was and IS the Origin and Source of ALL the Fears that have been manifested not only as > Only The Strong Survive<  but also as <The Instinct for Self Preservation < .   

"Land Of The Lost"

                              I awoke to a first sentence, "All is lost."   I am hard-pressed NOT to use it and I WOULD were it not for the caution expressed by a couple of SUPER-Brains who advised, "Despair is one of the tools of Fascists ."   Still .................................................... .


Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Miss Take

                              You can see it rite ?    Trump said he could KILL someone on Tenth Avenue and he would   'get away'   with it .   Well now the scotus has GUARANTEED that "get away" .

             Democracy did this .   Democracy did this to itself .   I told you qool qats that Democracy has 'Genetic Flaws' --- that protecting the minority from the majority has empowered the minority to utilize its GUARANTEED Protection to leverage political Ascendancy ---- and so it has transpired .  


"Slaughter On Tenth Avenue"

                             I sat in front of the "idiot box" all day, unable to find the strength or energy to move .   I listened to the commentators try and explain the ramifications of trump's Immunity---the result of which was the agreed-upon statement that the scotus had rendered trump KING .   

             I tried to move my Mind, it wouldn't go .

             Joe and his had their chances, the could have defied the Status Quo and found a way to add Justices to the supreme {what a fucking JOKE} court but as usual for them they put their tails between their legs and sniveled away, leaving the court to do as it pleased .

             The sc has been Bought .   Conservative {where conservative means CRIMINALLY INSANE} justices know No Fear , since they are Responsible to NO ONE .   


"It's Over Over There"

                              It's fucking COSMIC that we now have a King "in abstentia" .   I told you qool qats some time ago that "TRUMP HAS WON"--I pointed to you that the "Stars and Bars" had attained VICTORY when it was brandished in the Capital Building Jan 6 .   Now the scotus has confirmed that victory,  Trump and Trumpism now rules the Land . 

Miss Fit

                             Now trump is King--THAT according to the 'cast' of MSNBC .   In our deepest heart, nay, in our Core, somehow,,,,, we knew trump would once again escape Justice  and so it has happened .

              There's a story for it .

               The scorpion needed to get across the river and so asked an alligator .   Knowing the danger the alligator at first refused .   The scorpion made a promise NOT to kill or injure the alligator and eventually the alligator relented and swam the scorpion to the other bank where, upon arrival, the scorpion stung the alligator with lethal force.   The alligator was SHOCKED ,  "WHY ????" .  The scorpion was unapologetic and simply snided, "At all times I must be true to who and what I am ".