Friday, February 28, 2020

Youth an' Eyes

How are to to discern the Truth ?  Who among us is capable ?  I have vilified the Youth of America for their unrestricted APATHY for Societal and Governmental ATROCITIES.  I have repeatedly questioned their SINCERE Interest in "The Green New Deal".  In these Times of Unheralded Abomination Their UNITED Voices should be ringing with the tintinnabulation of Patriotic FERVOR.  Instead, even my Champion, AOC, the Conquista, remains in isolated SILENCE. 

Why ?

You know what I want from them ?

What I ask of myself every time I go to Move Rock

The Impossible.......

Rock steady........steady as She goes....

Occupy Hoarse Shit

Charlotte Alter is a 30 year old and author of The Ones We've Been Waiting For:  How A New Generation Of Leaders Will Transform America.  I saw an interview --she was self-assured and (dammit) cocksure.  There's nothing worse than a Chick who's cocksure.

When you Google her a Portrait mite show up.  She has Betty Boop eyes and an "I have a Secret" expression made famous by the One and ONLY Aubrey Plaza.   She interviewed well, troublesome, as I have stated.

The Title is her Claim.  I'm not buying it, even for a penny.  Proof of Witness is in the Study of History. 

Millenialism has caustic toxicity,  these kids don't March--- their Sit-in, tagged "Occupy Wall Street", did NOT produce ANY "leadership", not ONE managed to be recognized as "Voice of a Generation".

If their Claim to Fame is Mayor Pete  God helps us all, and BELIEVE me here --I LOVE the Mayor--
Warrior, 7 Language Linguist, RHODES SCHOLAR, shit what's NOT to Love ????

BUT !!!!!

I haven't seen him walk into a Ghetto and Rhetoric Malcolm OR MLK. 

Chicago ?   We have a Problem.

Miss Spoke

When trump tagged pence for "Truth's Voice" I was delighted in mortification.  I mean, who better?

Pence is gonna put a "rear naked choke" on Miss Justice, aka Miss Spoke.  You just GOTTA appreciate the vile brandish of Such Grotesque Atrocity, I mean , You just MUST !!!

I mentioned my guy and HERO George Orwell, earlier.  Thing is, I'm not sure that the Younger Generations have even HEARD of "1984" much less "Animal Farm".  Pence as "BIG Brother" should have been FIRST to ignite OUTRAGE, but nary a bleep nor a blither.  (I'm old, so OLDE)

On my end, all I could see was pence selling his soul, hence Dr. Faustus.  It may very well be that only English Lit. MAJORS are gonna remember Marlowe's Doctor....whatever.  It is what it is, I am what I am.

The Problem here, iz, the Propagation of Truth, rather, The EXPERIENCE of Truth as SENSATION.

WHAT to Believe and WHO is telling the Truth ????

Once again,,,,,   Beauty of Truth has FUNCTION of Protection.

Carn Job

I'm having all kids of problems with "Corona-Virus.   Sometimes all I can see AND hear is "Carnivorous" which is carnivore and virus unhappily married.  It "comes out" as the Carnivorous Virus.  It gets worse....   The Head Head Guy is one Doctor Fauci  (fow-chee)  which looks the world to me as Dr. Faustus of Jungian Notoriety.  Please don't correct me if I'm rong, but didn't Dr. Faustus sell his Soul to Satan in return for Immortality ?   I may have it all back-asswards in that PENCE would be Dr. Faustus who sold HIS soul to trump the Demon-Devil.  Wow----rite ??? 

Trump is INTENT on withholding the Truth.  NO WAY in fucking HELL is he gonna allow the Truth to be Told.  Media Nit and Dim Wits have successfully gone APOPLECTIC .   Shit, what else can-ya do ????

Pence himself is no Lover of "All Life Is Sacred".  As Governor he single handed PREVENTED the Life Giving Award of sterilized needles to Opioid Junkies, all messed up because of BIG Pharma and Doctors Without Moral Borders.   His agenda "Let the Junkies DIE". 

Generational GENOCIDE. 

Cull the Herd .......................................


Here in America, trump has charged his VP pence with the task of SUPPRESSING > The Truth About The Corona-Virus < .   Trump has also super-charged the democRATS with Stock Market Catastrophe, claiming RAT-SPEECH has loosened the footing of Wall Street Investors.  Once again it's BRILLIANT "demagoguery" aka "1984"-like  PROPAGANDA.  When it comes to Falsehoods, trump is a MASTER False-hoodlum. 

My friend and HERO, Captain Obvious, wrote a SCATHING Piece on The De-Construction Of American Institutional Systems citing Evidence from Mueller and the Impeachment Proceedings.  He went on to comment on the Rape of Miss Justice, there,  bending our Will to HIS Interpretation of Miss Justice as Oxy-Moronic.   Why is Miss Justice iconographically depicted with a Sword ?   How can one who is blindfolded defend or attack an Assailant or Hostile ? 

Having pence named Grand Suppression-or made the Captain delirious.  But it made me resort to Orwell's "1984" for Iconic Dispensation. 

Control the Myth, Control the People.

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Oxy Moron

I'm chagrined and mortified that you Kidz prefer Yesterday's Stuff above the Serious Shit about which I'm passionate.  It KILLS me.  Oh well.  Oddly, oxy-MORON-ically, my effort to "draw you in", to "influence" you Gize toward "leaning" in MY "Direction", is laden with "Everyday Mind" an Essence of Zen.  I should be pleased NOT miffed nor peeved.  I WANT you Gize to "Identify" your Selfs with MY "Self", the Egoless Self, the Self without Ego.  It is this "Identity" "Thing" that Ezra Klein brings to Attention in his Why We're Polarized.  "It" appears as both Good and Bad, something else VERY Zen, it's wonderful and woe-full-o  at the exact same time. 

There's a Thing though.  Gallogs sent me an article about American Fascism and it contained Statements about Ego and Ego Development as well as Ego Retardation that made me delirious.  Folks that DON'T "know who they are" CANNOT make RATIONAL Decisions.  But it is these SAME Folks who are KWIK to "Identify" with their UNREASONABLE Facsimiles (Fact Similes).  Here it is that TRIBES "Rule". 

I'm askin' HOW CAN THIS BE ???

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Balloon Goon

I STILL haven't inflated the tire.  Rite now, that repair is HUGELY Successful.  If I inflate it and the Small Tire and Tube Repair Kit was a COMPLETE FUCKING RIP-OF F  I will haf-ta KILL myself  AGAIN and you kidz know what THAT means.

Ok that' it for me. 

Rock steady ........steady as She goes....

the hole whole

The best way to remove the tube from the tire is to first remove the valve stem valve.  There's a special tool for that, I have 2 (2).  [See what I did there ?  I typed 2 then put 2 in parenthesis making 2  2.]

I spent roughly 2 (2) hours trying to muscle out the 2ube while admonishing myself 2 (2) just get the valve stem valve 2l and MAKE IT EZPZ. 

Then you gotta inflate the tube to locate the hole (  0  ).   You gotta chalk the area around the hole ( 0 ) bc if you don't you will lose the whole hole ( 0 )   ( 0 ) ..

Then you gotta RASP the Area to take off the-shiny-stuff-that-prevents-adhesion, otherwise the Stick won't stick and when you re-inflate the patch goes gone.  You don't want that.

Then you apply the glue.  Oddly the glue IS NOT Sticky like reg-lar glue glue.  It has to 'set' and then you place the patch over the whole hole and then you gotta seal the deal with a patch roller.

Know what I DIDN'T have ?????     Yup  you guessed it !!!!!

"My People call corn, MAISE"

.........OR I could simply effect a repair on that Tire's Tube.  Old School Shit is OLDE SCHOOL for a REASON.  That REASON is, there are no QUALITY rubber rasps available to Old Schoolers like me and My People.  My People call rubber rasps RUBBER RASPS and not "scrubbers".   My People are finicky like that.  In any event, I DID try and use a bicycle tire-tube repair kit but the RUBBER RASP it contained was PATHETICALLY Paltry.  And BTW the patch was too tiny to apply to the 2 (2) Wheeler's wheel. 

I went to The Rich Folks Hardware Store and RIP-OFF Specialty Shoppe.  Here the "local" "Gentrification-ers"  (that's what My People call Season Visitation-ers)  willingly spend MILLIONS for Items MY People buy at Wall Mart's for PENNIES.  The Problem with Rich Folks Hardware Store and RIP-OFF Specialty Shoppe is that they are what MY People call "Old School"---they actually carry Items from Beyond Yesteryear.  It's fucking IRKSOME. 

Imagine my delight and HORROR when Cash Register Guy, showed me a $2.50 packet of Small Tire and Tube Repair Items.  I was FURIOUS in Inward EXALTATION. 

2 Wheeler-Dealer

All I had to do was 2-Wheel 5 of 6 buckets of stone about 15 yards an dump them out, then level the stone, sorta.  A  "2-Wheeler" is aka a "hand truck". 

Now yesterday, or it cooda-ben 2 YEARS ago, I went to use the 2 Wheeler and noticed one of its tires wanted to pancake,  "Pancake" is what my People call "flat as a Pancake" or just "Flat" >  ________ .
Now, in keeping in the Steve DeSilva Tradition of Himalayan Abomination, I wuz-gonna simply KILL MYSELF in order to get reborn as a Man Who Would Spend Money To Buy A New Tire.  In order to do THAT I needed to start one of the chainsaws and lock it into position so I cood just lean in and saw my neck.  But then I didn't want to make a mess so I needed to get a Sheet and suspend THAT so the blood splash could be contained. 

I had used all the RED sheets so THAT was a prob.

Himalayan Abomination

Normally, I'd complicate a task with GARGANTUAN Effort to make things VIOLATE all norms of EZPZ Philosophy.  I'm NO GOOD unless I suffer.  Why take the EZ way out when I can complicate shit to the point of HIMALAYAN ABOMINATION ????    Just now I had the Opportunity to make a 5 minute task a FIVE HOUR HORROR SHITSHOW,  a rabid and raging CHANCE to CRIPPLE my upper body and bring it into alignment with my lower half so that I can be PARALYZED in the BEST of GROSSEST Discomfort so that when I breathe and blink my eyes will fill with tears.  You don't wanna miss out on shit like this, at least I don't.

Deltoid Dawn

I went outside to execute a minor detail.  I heard Red Wing Blackbirds---I looked uP  ^  there they were.  It's the End Of The World.

Yesterday I HAD-TO finish the refinements of the Mirror-Wall Scandal.  Th r ee micro-mini boulders were destroying the Aesthetic, meaning, they were hurting my eyes.  Despite my body screaming, "DON'T DO A BLOODY THING", I dug-out  the "Lug-All" and my heaviest chain to absolutely DESTROY my deltoids.  I "rowed" the micro-mini's out of  Visuality after breaking the head off my Mason's sledge, a casualty of Sore.  I raked the area to clear it blah, blah, blah and now I can't move except to type.

Here's the Ending of today's consideration >>  "You gotta go with what you got."

It's Street Wisdom >>> as best It gets.

Friday, February 21, 2020

"Cosmic Messenger"

The title is off Jean-Luc Ponty's "Cosmic Messenger" a 1978 Release out of Atlantic Recording and it features Ralph Armstrong on basses; Allan Zavod on keyboards; Casey Scheurell on drums & percussion; and Peter Maunu and Joaquin Lievano playing guitars.  Both Jean-Luc and Ralph "played" with John McLaughlin so ~~~~   I NEED to listen to Jean-Luc  he plays an Electric FIVE String Violin that makes my Soul SOAR.  His Cohorts are IMPECCABLE,, such is the True Nature of their Music Virtuoso.  Music as Virtue .

The 3rd Tract "Dont Let The World Pass You By"  is a Race For Life in which Ralph's Bass anchors you to a Reality of Universal Heart Beat, at timeS almost measured, a Reality of DIZZYING speed and INVISIBLE Infatuations signaled by Allan's fingerings.  However, it is at "Hold On For Your Life", where Jean-Luc enters with "This Aint NOTHIN' ".   He manifests HIS Reality, a One of Symphonic Credulity, the One of Singular Emphasis on Drawn Out Sensation, The One of Healing Excision, the One of Utmost Severity where Beauty Herself is Experienced as Heard. 

Now Beauty as Virtue,  Naked, Excited and Free...

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Clear Black

I wuz-gonna rite some more of these ~~~  I have a tun of blogs on Removing Labels, Labeling, Electric Cords and What KNOT To Do With Them---- I even have a whole series on Dust Bunnies, believe THAT or not>>>I have blogs on Clear Plastic Container Storage.  I crap myself uP !!!  There are even blogs on "Chain Lengths & Choke Chains Transfer"---- to know me is to MOCK me. 

It's been EXTREMELY Difficult to get out these Playful Atrocities.  When I get sick, it's for MONTHS not days. 

I'm gonna leave these here.

Rock steady........steady as She goes....

Can Fan

I have these chronic-to-severe "idiosyncrasies", "egregious" one might add, where "egregious" is defined  "remarkable for its negative 'qualities' ".  I refer to them as "idiot-syncrasies".  These "idiot-syncrasies" are the OPPOSITE of "adorable".  They are, CONSPICUOUSLY hideous.  They have impacted upon me and my Psyche UNTOLD Horror !!!  I have tools, teeny tiney tools >>> for scratching, gouging, picking and flicking.  I have them in a can,  I have a bunch of cans,  I'm a Fan of Cans.  Normally, Carpenters RARELY use scratch awls to scribe saw lines.  I have about FIFTEEN such scratch awls, for me it's AWLS or Nothin".

I'm not alone.

I was at a Yard Sale, this Old Dead Guy left behind HIS "teeny-tiny" tools too. He'd purchased a POUCH of said teeny-tinys, they look like Dentists' "scale-ers / picks.  A Company figured out that
selling a Pouch of Teeny-Tiny Picks could be PROFITABLE.  I was AGHAST !!!!

Profiting from MY Obsession-tivity seemed capitalistically CRAVEN. 

WOE is me.

Fan of Fans

I have th r ee 6 inch desk fans, a "Vornado", a "Galaxy" (my fav), and a "Chillout" (made by Intertek).  I love them all, I'm a fan of fans.  The "Chillout" is atop the student reefer, it's there to move air about the Cave, to spread the Warmth from electric radiation.  It's only "Ok" because its "On" "Off" switch is [WUZ] a fucking slippery nose cone, poorly conceived & richly fucked-uP and it was giving me Aggravated Assault Fantasies.  I "ended-uP" drilling and screwing it, making "On" and "Off" EZPZ which helped evaporate Criminal Idolatry.   I have issues..... ~~~~~  -------> !

I'm the kinda-guy that MUST produce hyperbolic DRAMA .  I mean, why on EARTH, would I even CONSIDER taking out the "Chillout"  beating it with a 4 pound mini-sledge and then BURNING it until it melted into an unrecognizable BLOB !!!!   I get carried away.  Thing is WHO is doing that Carrying Away? 

All I had to do, >REALLY< was place the fan in a suitable location that did NOT require rubber grip gloves to rotate the Switch.  Could I DO that ?????   I mean I COODA, but I DIDN'T.  It's "Who's" fault. 

Who is Who ?

Saturday, February 8, 2020

"First things FIRST"

Bloomberg is a Destroyer AND an Ice Breaker.  He's an Ice Breaker FULLY Armed with MASSIVE Gunnery.  I want to leave you with that Image.

I'm going outdoors now, the Sun has swung around and is about to heat the Patio Area.

Listen Kidz when it's Time for Judgement you gotta be a Judge. 

The Criteria is Simple.

What have they DONE ???

Bloomberg hates trump.  For me, his Size AND Manufacture can DESTROY trump.

Isn't THAT what we want FIRST ????

We NEED to "Make it so.".

Rock steady........steady as we go....

"Let's ask Mikey, HE hates everything."

I went to re-hang a lattice "sheet", as I was leaving, my foot got snagged on a "vine", rather than risk "stumble", I let myself fall freely ~~~~~ guiding my body to hit with arms deflection ease, and rolling to dissipate the violent energy of the impact.  I got up and looked around.  The Universe DOESN'T "trip you uP for NO 'Reason' at all".  Beneath the cellar window were  f o u r  wood blocks, blocks I'd asked the Universe to "send" me  f o u r  days ago.  I figured to ryte a Book, "How The Universe Works".  I have a MILLION stories of this nature, maybe even TW O.

The title is drawn from an 80's Television Commercial about one cereal or another, I can't remember which.  Brothers are seated around the Kitchen Table contemplating whether or not to try a brand new cereal that LOOKED oddly Suspicious.  What better thing to do than IMPOSE on the Little-ist to be BRAVE and test-pilot the flavor ?  It's an ADORABLE Ad.  Mikey is COOL !!!!

I MAY have, inadvertently, sub-consciously, Telepathic-ed Mikey to run for Pres.  I can't put that shit PASSED my self, when I lack Patience I get Greedy. 

In the realm of  "It takes one to KNOW one"  there's  It takes One to BEAT One.  Fire fights Fire---or so we're told.  THAT'S where I'm at with President Wanna-Bees.  We NEED a Mohammed Ali  "Float like a Butterfly  STING like a Bee." 

Trust me on This.  I'm RIGHT !!!!

Bloomberg the Destroyer

I aint-gonna fuck around this morning.  I'm gonna advance MY Recognition that Mike Bloomberg is a Billionaire "Conan the Barbarian".  Here's what I mean.  I "told" you Kidz the democRATS needed someone to go "toe-to-toe" with trump.  "Toe-to-toe" is a fisticuffs Barbarism that means you "BANG-IT-OUT" by NOT seeking to sidestep OR "Parry" but withstand each of your Opponents sledge-hammer punches and dagger-like strikes with SUPERHUMAN Endurance.  You "trade" his (or her)  Blows for YOUR Blows and may the STRONGEST Barbarian / Neanderthal Survive.  This aint pretty combat Kidz, it's Brutal and Savage and is DEVOID of any and all Strategies and Tactics. In a sense it IZ  the Essence of Mano-a-Mano  Man versus Man. 

There are times however, TIMES, when going "toe-to-toe" elicits the RAWEST of Manhood Identity
Where "Identity" reveals one's Primal Ability to withstand INTENSE Physical Suffering in order to demonstrate one's Capacity to ACCEPT "What is delivered" even IF it means Ultimate Sacrifice.  But then there's The Ability to MIRROR such "Deliverance".  Here "Stand And Deliver" assumes Combat Execution.  We award, "That Man could 'take a punch' ".   It's HARD to tag THAT as "Virtuous" I do so anyway.

Giving Out

There's a scrawl on the Monk's Room's Wall,  "Sabom, try not to break you own rules".  Rite now I'm trying to rite while listening to Steve Winwood's "Back In The High Life".  I NEVER  listen to Music when I rite.  Also, I NEVER rite while in work attire, it makes me insanely restless, plus it's distractive.  [distraction-ive] [from the verb To Distract].  For the first time in Forty Days the Sun is shining and the air is dead calm.  I want to work on the Table Rock / Mirror until my arms fall off and my legs Give Out.  Yesterday there was a Wind Storm --it was like a Great Flood--- The Ancient Chinese refer to such winds as "Cleansing".  Such was their Nature Yesterday.  I am presently flushed with Purity.

Rules are NOT  "Meant to be bro k en."  Rules aren't even "Suggestions".  Rules provide Orientation.
They are meant to keep you Level & Plumb, to keep you headed for Truth.  Rules are RE-Minders. 

Mind your own Business.   Mind your P's and Q's. 

Tuesday, February 4, 2020


Please go to -hope-are-lying-to-us/  for the complete article.

Chris Hedges framed it this way:

"The United States is a country built on genocide and violence and racial exclusion.  We are a deeply violent culture.  When a people lie to themselves-which is what Americans have done collectively--then you don't know who you are.  And when you don't know who you are, then you can't respond rationally, and you can't correct the problems.

That inability to face reality means that in a crisis you cannot respond rationally. And this crisis essentially creates a social environment where people do not look for healthy political leaders.  The yearning for the cult leader, the political strongman, is a sign of an infantilized country and people......  And that is what makes a figure like donald trump so dangerous.  the people who follow trump do not care how crude he is.  Trump's followers want to get more power because they look to the cult leader as a way of healing their own sense of powerlessness....  There is a similar dynamic with the Christian Right.  A cult leader is really about the death instinct.  Cult leaders cannot create anything positive.  All they do is destroy.  Then the sell that destruction  as a form of creativity.  That is exactly what trump does."

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Sunrise In The West or The Magical Misery Tour

There's NO Evidence that trump and his will stop.  They WON'T "stop" at Nothing.  Why should Nothing be an Obstruction at all ?   It's strange even to type, "They will stop at Nothing".  Words kill me, sentences are slaughter.

Social Security is now Un-Secure--trump and his won't be satisfied until EVERY aspect and/or component of Medicare and Medicaid is boiled off.  It's bewildering how "Make America Great Again" actually means Reduce America To 3rd World Status.  Hail trump.

Some Folks in Britain did a Film about how the Cure for Zombie-ism generated Hatred, Revulsion and Rancor, so much so that ANOTHER "Apocalypse" ensued,  "Once a Zombie,  ALWAYS  a Zombie", the Cure DIDN'T "matter" at ALL.  So much for Human Nature, you can't trust a cured Zombie, no WAY you should even try.

The next time you Kidz hear  "Hope" consider it DELUSION. 

Check this out.  Folks HOPED there would be a Cure for Zombies, when it was obtained IT STILL DIDN'T MATTER.

Rock steady........steady as She goes....

"Cruelty is the BEST Policy"

Trump isn't  "Drunk with Power",  he looks at putin and Xi with ADMIRATION and RESPECT.  "Why can't I be like them ?", 4th grade talk for, "Why can't I be as they ?".  He's not just a Realist, he's a Sur-real-ist.  We've heard him quip, "I should be President FOR LIFE." 

The abject BEAUTY of trump's "Strategy" is the Weaponization of Cruelty which he cloaks with the Passion of Patriotism.  What "this" does is make Cruelty a NECESSARY "Policy".   It's Diabolically BRILLIANT.  If anybody tries to counter Cruelty with Compassion, trump tags them with "TRAITOR".  So it is that rats CANNOT impose Standard American Values upon trump BECAUSE he has ALREADY branded the rats as Cowardly Traitors, a Circularity of Hideous but vastly EFFECTIVE Ill-Logic. 

Brilliant I say

Genius at its best ........   .

"The Sirens of Titan"

Nietzsche intimates that "Joy" is Drunk Love.  I've never considered that.  It made me view "Hope" as Delusion.  Through-out the Impeachment Proceedings the democ-RATS "Hoped" the shit-cans would "come to their senses" and HONOR their Sworn Oath and Allegiance to the Constitution of the United States.  The rats HOPE, that the "Process" of Presidential Candidate Selection will produce the "Matrix" "One".  It's DELUSION raw and simple.  No "ONE" is gonna come and rescue Miss America, the "Damsel in Distress".  Not only is Hope a Delusion, She is a DRUG of Choice, a "Siren" to the Common Senses.  For the Good Ship Lolly Flop, it was only to be the Ravages of Reefs.  Faith, Hope and Charity, the Sirens of Shipwreck Surety .

"One Nation, under trump..."

Folks expect to defeat trump and trumpism "at the polls".  Folks thought they had defeated hitler and hitlerism by defeating Germany's Army.

Look at Greece.  Look at Rome.  Where is the Holy Roman Empire ?  Where is the Persian Empire ?
Where is the Soviet Union ?   To believe that the American Empire would stand as the Pyramids "stand" is fucking delusional.  "Nothing lasts forever", the ONLY thing that "lasts" "forever" is Nothing. 

With the Power of the Senate, with the Power of the Judiciary, with the Power of the Military, trump is INVINCIBLE !

"One Nation-- under trump-- Invincible-- for ever and ever."