Saturday, February 22, 2020

Himalayan Abomination

Normally, I'd complicate a task with GARGANTUAN Effort to make things VIOLATE all norms of EZPZ Philosophy.  I'm NO GOOD unless I suffer.  Why take the EZ way out when I can complicate shit to the point of HIMALAYAN ABOMINATION ????    Just now I had the Opportunity to make a 5 minute task a FIVE HOUR HORROR SHITSHOW,  a rabid and raging CHANCE to CRIPPLE my upper body and bring it into alignment with my lower half so that I can be PARALYZED in the BEST of GROSSEST Discomfort so that when I breathe and blink my eyes will fill with tears.  You don't wanna miss out on shit like this, at least I don't.

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