Saturday, February 1, 2020

"Cruelty is the BEST Policy"

Trump isn't  "Drunk with Power",  he looks at putin and Xi with ADMIRATION and RESPECT.  "Why can't I be like them ?", 4th grade talk for, "Why can't I be as they ?".  He's not just a Realist, he's a Sur-real-ist.  We've heard him quip, "I should be President FOR LIFE." 

The abject BEAUTY of trump's "Strategy" is the Weaponization of Cruelty which he cloaks with the Passion of Patriotism.  What "this" does is make Cruelty a NECESSARY "Policy".   It's Diabolically BRILLIANT.  If anybody tries to counter Cruelty with Compassion, trump tags them with "TRAITOR".  So it is that rats CANNOT impose Standard American Values upon trump BECAUSE he has ALREADY branded the rats as Cowardly Traitors, a Circularity of Hideous but vastly EFFECTIVE Ill-Logic. 

Brilliant I say

Genius at its best ........   .

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