Friday, February 28, 2020

Occupy Hoarse Shit

Charlotte Alter is a 30 year old and author of The Ones We've Been Waiting For:  How A New Generation Of Leaders Will Transform America.  I saw an interview --she was self-assured and (dammit) cocksure.  There's nothing worse than a Chick who's cocksure.

When you Google her a Portrait mite show up.  She has Betty Boop eyes and an "I have a Secret" expression made famous by the One and ONLY Aubrey Plaza.   She interviewed well, troublesome, as I have stated.

The Title is her Claim.  I'm not buying it, even for a penny.  Proof of Witness is in the Study of History. 

Millenialism has caustic toxicity,  these kids don't March--- their Sit-in, tagged "Occupy Wall Street", did NOT produce ANY "leadership", not ONE managed to be recognized as "Voice of a Generation".

If their Claim to Fame is Mayor Pete  God helps us all, and BELIEVE me here --I LOVE the Mayor--
Warrior, 7 Language Linguist, RHODES SCHOLAR, shit what's NOT to Love ????

BUT !!!!!

I haven't seen him walk into a Ghetto and Rhetoric Malcolm OR MLK. 

Chicago ?   We have a Problem.

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