Saturday, February 22, 2020

Deltoid Dawn

I went outside to execute a minor detail.  I heard Red Wing Blackbirds---I looked uP  ^  there they were.  It's the End Of The World.

Yesterday I HAD-TO finish the refinements of the Mirror-Wall Scandal.  Th r ee micro-mini boulders were destroying the Aesthetic, meaning, they were hurting my eyes.  Despite my body screaming, "DON'T DO A BLOODY THING", I dug-out  the "Lug-All" and my heaviest chain to absolutely DESTROY my deltoids.  I "rowed" the micro-mini's out of  Visuality after breaking the head off my Mason's sledge, a casualty of Sore.  I raked the area to clear it blah, blah, blah and now I can't move except to type.

Here's the Ending of today's consideration >>  "You gotta go with what you got."

It's Street Wisdom >>> as best It gets.

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