Friday, February 28, 2020


Here in America, trump has charged his VP pence with the task of SUPPRESSING > The Truth About The Corona-Virus < .   Trump has also super-charged the democRATS with Stock Market Catastrophe, claiming RAT-SPEECH has loosened the footing of Wall Street Investors.  Once again it's BRILLIANT "demagoguery" aka "1984"-like  PROPAGANDA.  When it comes to Falsehoods, trump is a MASTER False-hoodlum. 

My friend and HERO, Captain Obvious, wrote a SCATHING Piece on The De-Construction Of American Institutional Systems citing Evidence from Mueller and the Impeachment Proceedings.  He went on to comment on the Rape of Miss Justice, there,  bending our Will to HIS Interpretation of Miss Justice as Oxy-Moronic.   Why is Miss Justice iconographically depicted with a Sword ?   How can one who is blindfolded defend or attack an Assailant or Hostile ? 

Having pence named Grand Suppression-or made the Captain delirious.  But it made me resort to Orwell's "1984" for Iconic Dispensation. 

Control the Myth, Control the People.

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