Friday, February 28, 2020

Miss Spoke

When trump tagged pence for "Truth's Voice" I was delighted in mortification.  I mean, who better?

Pence is gonna put a "rear naked choke" on Miss Justice, aka Miss Spoke.  You just GOTTA appreciate the vile brandish of Such Grotesque Atrocity, I mean , You just MUST !!!

I mentioned my guy and HERO George Orwell, earlier.  Thing is, I'm not sure that the Younger Generations have even HEARD of "1984" much less "Animal Farm".  Pence as "BIG Brother" should have been FIRST to ignite OUTRAGE, but nary a bleep nor a blither.  (I'm old, so OLDE)

On my end, all I could see was pence selling his soul, hence Dr. Faustus.  It may very well be that only English Lit. MAJORS are gonna remember Marlowe's Doctor....whatever.  It is what it is, I am what I am.

The Problem here, iz, the Propagation of Truth, rather, The EXPERIENCE of Truth as SENSATION.

WHAT to Believe and WHO is telling the Truth ????

Once again,,,,,   Beauty of Truth has FUNCTION of Protection.

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