Saturday, February 22, 2020

the hole whole

The best way to remove the tube from the tire is to first remove the valve stem valve.  There's a special tool for that, I have 2 (2).  [See what I did there ?  I typed 2 then put 2 in parenthesis making 2  2.]

I spent roughly 2 (2) hours trying to muscle out the 2ube while admonishing myself 2 (2) just get the valve stem valve 2l and MAKE IT EZPZ. 

Then you gotta inflate the tube to locate the hole (  0  ).   You gotta chalk the area around the hole ( 0 ) bc if you don't you will lose the whole hole ( 0 )   ( 0 ) ..

Then you gotta RASP the Area to take off the-shiny-stuff-that-prevents-adhesion, otherwise the Stick won't stick and when you re-inflate the patch goes gone.  You don't want that.

Then you apply the glue.  Oddly the glue IS NOT Sticky like reg-lar glue glue.  It has to 'set' and then you place the patch over the whole hole and then you gotta seal the deal with a patch roller.

Know what I DIDN'T have ?????     Yup  you guessed it !!!!!

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