Saturday, February 1, 2020

Sunrise In The West or The Magical Misery Tour

There's NO Evidence that trump and his will stop.  They WON'T "stop" at Nothing.  Why should Nothing be an Obstruction at all ?   It's strange even to type, "They will stop at Nothing".  Words kill me, sentences are slaughter.

Social Security is now Un-Secure--trump and his won't be satisfied until EVERY aspect and/or component of Medicare and Medicaid is boiled off.  It's bewildering how "Make America Great Again" actually means Reduce America To 3rd World Status.  Hail trump.

Some Folks in Britain did a Film about how the Cure for Zombie-ism generated Hatred, Revulsion and Rancor, so much so that ANOTHER "Apocalypse" ensued,  "Once a Zombie,  ALWAYS  a Zombie", the Cure DIDN'T "matter" at ALL.  So much for Human Nature, you can't trust a cured Zombie, no WAY you should even try.

The next time you Kidz hear  "Hope" consider it DELUSION. 

Check this out.  Folks HOPED there would be a Cure for Zombies, when it was obtained IT STILL DIDN'T MATTER.

Rock steady........steady as She goes....

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