Saturday, February 1, 2020

"The Sirens of Titan"

Nietzsche intimates that "Joy" is Drunk Love.  I've never considered that.  It made me view "Hope" as Delusion.  Through-out the Impeachment Proceedings the democ-RATS "Hoped" the shit-cans would "come to their senses" and HONOR their Sworn Oath and Allegiance to the Constitution of the United States.  The rats HOPE, that the "Process" of Presidential Candidate Selection will produce the "Matrix" "One".  It's DELUSION raw and simple.  No "ONE" is gonna come and rescue Miss America, the "Damsel in Distress".  Not only is Hope a Delusion, She is a DRUG of Choice, a "Siren" to the Common Senses.  For the Good Ship Lolly Flop, it was only to be the Ravages of Reefs.  Faith, Hope and Charity, the Sirens of Shipwreck Surety .

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