Saturday, February 8, 2020

Giving Out

There's a scrawl on the Monk's Room's Wall,  "Sabom, try not to break you own rules".  Rite now I'm trying to rite while listening to Steve Winwood's "Back In The High Life".  I NEVER  listen to Music when I rite.  Also, I NEVER rite while in work attire, it makes me insanely restless, plus it's distractive.  [distraction-ive] [from the verb To Distract].  For the first time in Forty Days the Sun is shining and the air is dead calm.  I want to work on the Table Rock / Mirror until my arms fall off and my legs Give Out.  Yesterday there was a Wind Storm --it was like a Great Flood--- The Ancient Chinese refer to such winds as "Cleansing".  Such was their Nature Yesterday.  I am presently flushed with Purity.

Rules are NOT  "Meant to be bro k en."  Rules aren't even "Suggestions".  Rules provide Orientation.
They are meant to keep you Level & Plumb, to keep you headed for Truth.  Rules are RE-Minders. 

Mind your own Business.   Mind your P's and Q's. 

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