Sunday, July 19, 2020


That's as far as I can go this morning.  I NEEDED to get some of this shit off my back AND my chest.  But now BOTH  my Kittens are restless and seek to monitor my meOWtput. 

Movement MEANS Movement.  "Breaking Inertia" can be RUTHLESSLY MERCILESS.  The Planning alone can occupy HUNDREDS if not THOUSANDS of meOW-ers.

Sometimes you justgotta PAWze.

Rock steady.........Steady as She goes....

Bitch/Witch Dominion

Socialism is the Next LOGICAL 'Level' of Govern-Mentality.  I find it-----------------troublesome, that Evolution DECRIES Equality.   "Survival of the Fittest" IZ the NATURAL Atrocity of Planetary Existence.  BOTH Mother Nature and Her Twin, Mother Earth CHAMPION  'Predation'----Bitches or Witches ???  -----maybe BOTH !!! 

We must FIGHT "Natural Selection" if we are to EVOLVE as The Superior 'Condition'.  Here it is where Biblical Locality is Responsible for, "And Man was given DOMINION over all Other Species". 

Here it is where "All Life is Sacred" is in DIRECT Opposition too "Eat or be Eaten". 

I'm viewing Socialism as the ULTIMATE Reconciliation between "The LAW of the JUNGLE" and The ORDER of "Self Preservation".   The LAW if Instinct versus the Order of Higher Intelligence.

Land of the Greed, Home of the Grave

Toynbee dagger-ed ---->  ...when Democracy is abandoned by Mercantilists, GREED breeds Corruption.  He didn't exactly write That, This is my interpretation.  There's This One, "When a Monopoly Capitalism reaches its Monopolistic State, FINANCE RULES !" (.)

In isn't JUST that Democracy has been 'removed' (IGNORED, DISCARDED, ABANDONED), it's that, like the 'Cradle in the Bough', Storm Winds as well as Age have PROVEN the INNATE Weaknesses of a Democracy based upon Capitalism.  The Pandemic has broken the "Bough" and Baby Democracy, along with its Cradle, (built by the Founding Drunks), has fallen and SHA T T ER ED. 

The question IZ

Did the Cradle fall into a Grave ?

"...cradle and all..."

ALL of Us have seen a pond where STAGNATION has AmPLIFIED Stench, Decay, Rot, and whatever Malignancy that has been TRAPPED onto and by its surface. Death ABOUNDS --.  So it is that the American Congress of BOTH 'Houses' IZ SUCH A POND and as such, has fallen Victim to Stagnation.  Toynbee, my HERO, was 'Site Specific' when he noted that "Civilizations fall as a result of Stagnation".  Here it is that sorely needed NEW BLOOD was REJECTED by Civilizations who
sometimes Knowingly and sometimes Un-Wittingly CONDEMNED their Civilization (or Nation) to DEATH by such an abject REFUSAL to undergo said Blood Transfusion  >>> in the American Instance, that of the 'Spanish Speakers', and even of Its OWN, AMERICAN Blacks.  

Please try and understand >>  The Status Quo  IZ  this 'Stagnation'.

The Status Quo has GOT to GO !

"...down will come Baby..."

I'm on the verge of DEMANDING there be REVOLUTIONARY Changes in the Electoral 'System' >>> that, Citizens should be MANDATED to have AT LEAST a High School Diploma, in order to Vote.  2 words :  PREPOSTEROUS !!!!!!!!   I also BELIEVE that there should be a    >>>National Conscription<<<  that Guarantees FOUR YEARS of National and International SERVICE by those of the Ages between 18 and 22 inclusive.  EVERYBODY "Serves the Nation" as "We The People".

Includes in this "Service" is Socialized UNIVERSAL Education, where Socialized is code for 'The Entire Citizenry and Business CONTRIBUTE'. 

National Conscription GUARANTEES "Shoulder-to-shoulder" Contact and GUARANTEES a "Socialism" whereby ALL are Unified in a National Goal of "Working TOGETHER To Promote Peace and Prosperity". 

When All are "Tuned" Harmony results.

"...when the bough breaks..."

Orwell foresaw the abject Necessity for the PUBLIC 'Control of BIG Oil, BIG Transportation, BIG Pharma, BIG Utilities blah blah blah.  BIG Communications had not, as yet, surfaced.   We MUST add to Orwellian Socialism that of BIG Communications, BIG TV, as well as the Old 'Stand-by's' Education, Agriculture, and BIG Finance.  Here too, the OPPRESSIVE Power of the State, as in Its National Guard, Police Force, etc. MUST be addressed, rather UN-Dressed, in order to BEGIN the Reformation, (RE-Institution), of at least a SEMBLANCE of Egalitarian-Ism "Under the Law". 

Covid-19 has GUARANTEED that SOCIALISM is the  >> ONLY  << 'Protective Agent' that can not only 'withstand' Universal Plague, but MANAGE Pandemic IN ITS ENTIRETY.

Here it is that the BEST Accent of Socialism is what It was considered to be in the 70's >>>
"Cradle to Grave" CARE.

Socialism is DEVOID of ANY 'Aspect of Abandonment'.  Socialism will "have your Back", your Front, and both Sides.

Friday, July 10, 2020

Sin-Sin-Atti Chili

Despite THREE Heapin'-Helpin's of Sin-Sin-Atti Chili I am RAVENOUS.  Plus, I've bee at this since 1:30 a.m. So----there's THAT.

I'm-gonna leave you with my Hero His MAJESTY Joseph Campbell from his tome, The Hero With A Thousand Faces.  It is an Essence you will need as WEAPON for your Exploration into the Unknown.

Here goes >

"Nevertheless, every failure to cope with a life situation must be laid, in the end, to a restriction of consciousness.  Wars and temper tantrums are the makeshifts of ignorance; regrets illuminations come to late.  The whole sense of the ubiquitous myth of the hero's passage, is that it shall serve as a general pattern for men and women, wherever they may stand along the scale,  Therefore it is formulated in the broadest terms.  The individual has only to discover his own position with reference to this general human formula, and let it then assist him past his restricting walls.  Who and where are his ogres ?  Those are the reflections of the unsolved enigmas of his own humanity.  What are his ideals ?  Those are the symptoms or his grasp of life."

Rock steady........steady as She goes....


I IMPLORE you Kidz to 'get passed' your Parents and THEIR "World View".  Look at what trump's father 'did' to trump.  If Guilt is to be ascribed to trump >>he is GUILTY of NEVER BECOMING AN ADULT, worse, of NEVER BEING 'HIS OWN MAN' <<< .  Indeed, he has no Views of his own, and has taken those of his father AS HIS.  I'm COMMANDING you Kidz to BEWARE !!!!!!!

It is CRUCIAL for you Gize to examine your Parent's "World View" with the UTMOST [Bitter] Scrutiny that you may save yourself from THEIR Shortcomings, Flaws and Failings.  You MUST NOT be Blinded by Filial Piety nor Discouraged from Advancing into a Realm of YOUR CHOOSING.  Life is SHORT !  Next thing you know you're President of the United States and Responsible for the DEATHS of 130 THOUSAND Citizens and a Political Cruelty of UNTOLD Infinitudes. 

Pandemic as Policy

I don't know what happened to that 'school', check that, I DO know what happened, LIFE 'Happened'.  I SHOULD 'right' KARMA 'Happened', since it is Karma, and our Response to It, that 'determines' our 'Futurism'.  "All things through Karma".

It is this Sense >the Concrete of Karma< that also 'determined' trump's Futurism, of which We are now Experiencing both as Plague Pandemic and Pandemic as Policy. 

Most of you Kidz, my Gentle Readers, have read MY 'analysis' of trump>>>special Attention given to his Childhood.  I have listened to excerpts of 'Buffy' Trump's Clinical Analysis, with "I told you so" disdain.  I shouldn't because she has affirmed MY Assessment.  It can be 'no other way' since I have employed the Great Works of Others and applied THEIR 'Techniques' both to explore and define trump's >>>>>>>>>>>>>Socio-Political Pathos. 

Great Minds Think Alike......  LMAO     I WISH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

...Extra Vagant

I'm SUPPOSE to be writing about Mary Trump, who I have depicted as "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" in this morning's ' "desilva_stephen" @ '.  While outside wandering about dancing with Death and visioning Horse Barn Hill LADEN with Clover as it was Freshman Year, a 'thing' surfaced that made me smile.  It was The Time I Went To Petition Dr. Ward For Entry Into His 'Ancient Greece' Course.  This 'event' was NOT like The Time I Went To Petition Dr. Moynihan For Entry Into His 'Modern Novels' Class.  No and FUCK No, this One was Idylically Extravagant.  Dr. Ward was seated at his desk, SUPREMELY "At Ease" and GENEROUS >>>  He opened with, "What can I do for you ?"  'It' was instantly SOOTHING.  I settled into 'down' and stated my case.  He asked me WHY I wanted 'it' so bad, I told him of ANCIENT Yearning blah, blah blah.  One thing led to another, HE KNEW ABOUT SEEKONK, MASS., my Home Town, because He had attended BROWN UNIVERSITY.  I related my Time on His Campus, how BEAUTIFUL it was and he responded, "In Spring it is indeed Beautiful, I too enjoyed my Time There."  There was a commiserative Pause and he continued, "What do you want to do with your Education ?"  I didn't flinch.  ---I want to start my own School and FEATURE Ancient Greece."

He guffawed into a laff.  "Give me the Papers".

Go figure............

"...thick and warm..."

After completing this morning's Twitter Column I got my mini-flashlite and snuck outdoors.  The fog was so thick the lite revealed actual DROPLETS, it was so dense I was ECSTATIC that I had gills so that I could breathe this Underwater Envelopment.  You can't see my gills, they're inside my nose.

EVERYONE laments "The Dead Of Winter".  It seems as if No One writes about The Dead Of Summer~~~~ let me assure you, 'It' was DEAD outside, with only MY lifeless corpse trape-sing through the Clover "under-cover".  It was a Million-ZILLION degrees, the Patio Concrete generating HEAT just like it did when it was freshly 'setting'.  The 'drying' of concrete is EXOthermic,  it 'gives off' warmth.  It is WONDROUS to feel it with bare feet... ~~~ > .

I've allowed the Clover to remain at "Flower" in order to secure and maintain Bee Sanctuary ~~~ plus, the Clover is Emily Dickenson Adoration, "...the  Clover, thick and warm."...  Just so you know, Clover 'affixes' Nitrogen to the Spoil, that's why you see un-planted Corn Fields FLOODED with Clover.  I'd-a used COVERED but Blanket isn't enough.  The Wind and even Simple Breezes move the Clover and 'makes' it look as if it's Fluid.  THAT'S what I want, to describe it like THAT.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

National Naturality

Aint nothin' American about America.  Except for the Supreme Indigenous---we are EUROPEAN and better still, we are all >>>OUT OF AFRICA<<< as our Mitachondrial DNA PROVE !!!!!

Slavery is as ANCIENT  as War itself.  Do not doubt that for even a milli-micro-second.  Slavery is Planetary DNA since the Time some asshole figured out that "Why KILL your enemies when you could force THEM to do all OUR grunt work ?"   2 words >  HUMAN NATURE !

Here it is that PLANETARY DNA became AMERICAN DNA and with it SLAVERY.

George Washington was a "Natural Man" >>>  Slavery was also "Natural" <<<  therefore :  George Washington owned Slaves.  It was all as Natural as Natural could be.

Democracy was a "Natural Outcome" of Human Nature  buh bee buh bop 
Slavery is GENETIC.

Consider .

Rock Steady........steady as She goes....

Swill Thrill

The Ancient Greek Philosophers also conceived the Universe to be Dual-Istic in Scope and Measure.  Duality(s) (ties)  were MANIFESTATIONS of a Quasi-Divine Absolute.  It was THIS 'Duality' which was employed to construct the 2 Party System that has now PROVEN itself to be OBSOLETE.  The Beer Swillers envisioned CONFLICT as The NATURAL 'Flow' of Human Interaction and COMPROMISE its Resolution.  Political Human Nature REQUIRED Conflict---that's how they saw it, they BELIEVED in its NECESSITY.

"Uhhhh  Philadelphia ?    We have a Problem. "

Worn genes.......

Among Scholars and Non-Scholars (Street Urchins) there is PROFITABLE Speculation that the Founding Beer Swillers had Academic access to Ancient Greek Philosophers, whose Intellects reached the Realm of Universal (Cosmic) Ideation, where Democracy was first Envisioned.  Here, Universal Oneness was believed to Exist as ABSOLUTE.  'Man', DESPITE his INFINITE Inferiority, was believed to be CAPABLE of reaching into this Oneness and extracting Utopic Exigencies.  It is my steadfast CONVICTION that these Farmer/Philosophers were INDEED capable of such Wondrous Star-Grasp.  I KNOW >from my own Rock Rigging Experience< that Cosmic Revelations EXIST like Passing Clouds in the Ocean-Sky of PHYSICAL 'Deliberation'.  Such is the Nature of Manual Labor As Bountiful Samadhi. 

Within this Deliberation, however, Human Nature was a Geometry "GIVEN" and HEREIN Lies the Genetic Flaws of which I speak.  Because Man is "Flawed" so too his Genetic Structure, rather, the opposite >>  Man's Genetic Structure accounts for his Flaws.  It was SCIENTIFIC GUARANTEE that WHATEVER Government was 'devised' it was to be FLAWED as well.  There is NO escaping this 'THIS'.

Democracy had NO Chance.

Extra Vagance

I suspected that Democracy MUST have 'genetic' 'flaws', since 'it' made trump's election a CERTAINTY.  Speculation is only valuable when formulating hypothesis for Experiments however
but so too is Fantasy, I mean, shit, there's THAT.  I routinely allow myself the Extravagance ( extra-Vagance) of Self Indulgence >> nothing I'm proud of, and here I set aside my complete Ignorance and settle for my In-Complete Ignorance, the One that employs Common Knowledge as Foundational Simulation.  Specifically, I 'indulge' in 'disarming' the Myth of the Founding Fathers As "All Knowing, and All Seeing" Capable of Future Viewing.  These KIDZ sat around the beer-laden tables swilling ale and offering One and Another Intemperate Ideologies > the Ones of France and Italy <  The Ones of Revolution, with only the Thoughts of Despotic Injustices, Independence resulting.

BIG fucking Deal.  ALL of us have 'shot the bull' and itemized System Injustice AD-NAUSEUM .
Thing iz, when they sobered up and 'dried out'  Echos of Utopia REMAINED swirling about in their heads, reverberating in Ancient Harmonies. 

What THEY 'did' was Define a Political Existence that offered Democracy as Governmental 'Absolute'.....

Genius ?   Or did they have their heads  'up their own asses' ?

Saturday, July 4, 2020

"Ignorance is Bliss"...

I find it GROTESQUELY Deplorable that ANY 'American' would consider CELEBRATING the 'Independence' of a Republic that has as its "leader" a 'person' who has SINGLE-HANDEDLY  been Responsible for the NEEDLESS Deaths of THOUSANDS of Citizens due to HIS CRIMINAL IMBECILITY, INHUMAN CRUELTY and MANIACAL STUPIDITY !  He has manifested RACISM  as NATIONAL PANDEMIC on the order of Confederate Secession-ism the one that Itself was Responsible for SIX HUNDRED THIRTY THOUSAND Battlefield Sacrifices !!

Exactly what "Freedom" are we to celebrate and at whose Expense ?

Why are we IGNORING the Pandemic and Racial Injustice that has RAVAGED the American Body Politic ???

2 words>>   Selfish does what Selfish IZ.

"Come out with your hands uP"

The Decision to Reform America has ALREADY been INSTITUTED because of 'Civil Unrest', and here 'Civil "Unrest" MAY BE unforgivingly in-judicious.  ANY   Democracy that WILLFULLY accepts a "Shoot To Kill" police MANDATE is NO "Democracy" AT ALL !!  How can it be that "The Will Of, For and By the People" is one of COLD BLOOD and MERCILESS EXECUTION ? ???.
Yet HERE WE ARE, In the Glut of an Already CATASTROPHIC Global Pandemic, where Death IZ >LITERALLY< the Air we Breathe !!!  With THOUSANDS Dying EACH and EVERY Day One would think that Saturation would act as PREVENTATIVE for ANY Needless Demise.  Yet look what has been set upon us !!!  Killer cops with a FEDERAL Mandate, to SLAY 'Runaway Slaves' AT WILL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is ABOMINATION !!!!!!!

Roads Scholar

Construction of the 'New' America will take AT LEAST One HUNDRED Years.  It is futile to whine and complain  about such severe 'Longevity' ESPECIALLY when the Outcome MAY BE an "Advancement' whereby Just Simple Recognition of the DIFFICULTY is the ONLY Result of Generational Effort and Resolve.  So be it.  The Divine GOAL of Humankind is a Unified Planet, a(n) One that cherishes PEACE and PROSPERITY for EVERY Human Being, EVERY Earthling, EVERY Global Citizen. 

In the Same Way that "Charity begins at Home" so it is with 'Construction'. 

Construction 'Sites' MUST be Envisioned and these Sites MUST be made available with EASE.  This is why ROADS MUST BE BUILT, that they may afford ready access and Ease of Transport for ALL Size Vehicles.  We must "Clear The Way" for New Construction.  This Itself may take DECADES.

"Rock and Roll Hoochie Coo"

I awoke at Mid-Nite ready for work..then I awoke at 1:10, 1:40.  At 2 I heard and saw myself rite-ing blogs, not the bash and brutalization of recognized OBVIOUS >> but the descriptions of the Emerald Beyond I tout as the Absolute and Supreme of Utopian Elegance.  I managed to drag this rotting corpse to the toilet and then down to Here while stopping at the front door to see if the rain had abated.  I performed the Morning Rituals with ease despite the decay and rigor mortis set upon me by the rigor and mortis of shoveling, hole-ing and raking.  The Blessed One now has 2 Golden Leaf Cypress and tw o Variegated Yucca as Adornment, both positioned to Near Exact as they can be. 

I have the very BEST of E-Z this Morning, IFF the Weather 'holds', > the simple setting of Anchors and the Slip and Slide of tiny boulders in the 400 to 700 Weight Class> .  "E-Z Pickin's" as they say.

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Be a Uty

I'm gonna leave this here.  In the upcoming days I'm going to TRY and present the View that it must be BEAUTY that is cast as Orientation, since Compassion carries with IT undue Attention to merciless Pain and Suffering.   Although I hold the Bodhisattva WARRIOR as the The Ultimate Attainment I have yet even to Commit to the Four Great Vows though I TREASURE Them as The Essences of my True Self.  I told you Kidz  ...  I have Issues.

I'm off to be the Wizard............

Rock steady........steady as She goes... .

The Land of Filth and Money

On one of my Thought Boards, the One nearest this desk, I drew a Circle with Intersecting Lines at its Center.  Above it I scrawled >  What are the Cardinal Points of Morality and Ethics ?   I did this in order to concretize 'Orientation' since the New America MUST jettison its Present Orientation = "In God We Trust" because IT has failed on EVERY Level and in EVERY Dimension.  The POLITICAL Orientation that has a MAYBE, as in MAYBE God Exists, has PROVEN itself to be DEVOID of UNIVERSAL Political 'Collateral', Collateral being the ACCEPTANCE of Governmental Authority.  Using 'God' as Political Collateral MANUFACTURES Doubt and >SUSPICION< in that The Same God who Promised "The Land of Milk and Honey" is the SAME 'God' who now inflicts Pandemic DEATH.  I mean, You can SEE that rite ???????

It's NOT as if Buddhism can supplant the 2-Faced God, It HAS >>  Ashoka is Historical PROOF.  But look at Buddhism NOW, It's on "Life Support".  This is where Zen 'enters' because Zen affords the GUARANTEE that "Just Everyday Mind" is the ULTIMATE and SUPREME "Form" of both Individual and Political UNIVERSAL 'Awareness'. 

All that Ale-d them....

It is IMPERATIVE for me to Anchor my 'Contention' to Athens in the b--r---o--a--d--e--s--t Sense possible since The Iliad and The Odyssey figure PROMINENTLY as Features both of Human Nature and Political Volition.  The History of Ancient Greek Philosophers and the History of The French   Revolution, The Italian Suppositions characterized by Machiavelli, and because "I am what I am" the Ancient Chinese Philosophical Decorum exemplified by Lao Tzu, Chuang Tsu and Confucius MUST BE the Opposing Anchor which can then 'accommodate' 'Movement' as described in the I Ching

I MUST "dumb down" Einstein in order to reduce It to Its Arithmetical Essence, specifically ">" and "<" where the Majority is granted SUPREME 'Guarantee'. 

Here, the so-called  "Founding Fathers" MUST be recognized for what they REALLY 'were'  beer swilling, table-top Idealists, whose Educations allowed them to manufacture American Democracy as "Pie In The Sky" and Opium Pipe DREAMS. 

Here it is that ANY Group of Pot Smoking HIPPIES could ALSO enter the Realm of Visionary Shamanism where the Problems of the World are Solved by a Puff from the Magic Dragon.

De MOCK ra See

It's tough for me NOT to 'see' that Athenian Democracy was a REVOLUTION to OVERthrow the prevailing Olympic Patriarchy.  You GOTTA figure that Athenians were EXHAUSTED from the Whims and Fancies of Olympian Intrusion into the Daily Lives of All -----  that Law and ORDER was a PRIMARY Consideration ONLY in a purely PASSIVE 'Observance' meaning, given the Social Homogeneity of the 'Greeks' EVERYBODY 'was "On The Same Page", both Physically and Politically.  In the end THERE WAS NO APPEASING THE GODS.  To be subservient to Callous and sometime Cruel INJUSTICE became TOO MUCH TO BEAR.  Here it was that SELF RELIANCE became Recognized as SUPERIOR in every Way, Shape, and Form. 


Some of You, my Gentle Readers, went with me to explore and negate Einsteinian Physics.  It isn't that I had a penchant for ExploSIVE Contra-Dynamics, so much as it was Arithmetical in Scope and Measure>> the Arithmetic of the Heart and Its Subsets of Emotions, Ir-Rationalities, Logics and Intuitions.  To give my favorite example :  How can a carrot, a pear and a drunk EQUAL a screw-driver, an automobile and a hair net ??????  Not only is 'Equality' as vague as water, so is 'Same'.  Had I had Face-to-Face with Al I would simply ask 'Show me Love' ---  'show me the Equation whereby Love EQUALS Happiness, Peace and Prosperity'.   'Show me the Numeral or Quadratic Equation that demonstrates the administration of Governmental Authority WITHOUT using " > " and
"<".'  If he were to reply "Life is a Numbers Game" I'd be FORCED to Insist, but Numbers are ABSTRACT CONCEPTS>>  thereby making Life AN ABSTRACT CONCEPT. 

I aint fucking buying it  not for a dime, not even for a nickle.