Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Extra Vagance

I suspected that Democracy MUST have 'genetic' 'flaws', since 'it' made trump's election a CERTAINTY.  Speculation is only valuable when formulating hypothesis for Experiments however
but so too is Fantasy, I mean, shit, there's THAT.  I routinely allow myself the Extravagance ( extra-Vagance) of Self Indulgence >> nothing I'm proud of, and here I set aside my complete Ignorance and settle for my In-Complete Ignorance, the One that employs Common Knowledge as Foundational Simulation.  Specifically, I 'indulge' in 'disarming' the Myth of the Founding Fathers As "All Knowing, and All Seeing" Capable of Future Viewing.  These KIDZ sat around the beer-laden tables swilling ale and offering One and Another Intemperate Ideologies > the Ones of France and Italy <  The Ones of Revolution, with only the Thoughts of Despotic Injustices, Independence resulting.

BIG fucking Deal.  ALL of us have 'shot the bull' and itemized System Injustice AD-NAUSEUM .
Thing iz, when they sobered up and 'dried out'  Echos of Utopia REMAINED swirling about in their heads, reverberating in Ancient Harmonies. 

What THEY 'did' was Define a Political Existence that offered Democracy as Governmental 'Absolute'.....

Genius ?   Or did they have their heads  'up their own asses' ?

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