Sunday, July 19, 2020

Bitch/Witch Dominion

Socialism is the Next LOGICAL 'Level' of Govern-Mentality.  I find it-----------------troublesome, that Evolution DECRIES Equality.   "Survival of the Fittest" IZ the NATURAL Atrocity of Planetary Existence.  BOTH Mother Nature and Her Twin, Mother Earth CHAMPION  'Predation'----Bitches or Witches ???  -----maybe BOTH !!! 

We must FIGHT "Natural Selection" if we are to EVOLVE as The Superior 'Condition'.  Here it is where Biblical Locality is Responsible for, "And Man was given DOMINION over all Other Species". 

Here it is where "All Life is Sacred" is in DIRECT Opposition too "Eat or be Eaten". 

I'm viewing Socialism as the ULTIMATE Reconciliation between "The LAW of the JUNGLE" and The ORDER of "Self Preservation".   The LAW if Instinct versus the Order of Higher Intelligence.

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