Friday, July 10, 2020

Pandemic as Policy

I don't know what happened to that 'school', check that, I DO know what happened, LIFE 'Happened'.  I SHOULD 'right' KARMA 'Happened', since it is Karma, and our Response to It, that 'determines' our 'Futurism'.  "All things through Karma".

It is this Sense >the Concrete of Karma< that also 'determined' trump's Futurism, of which We are now Experiencing both as Plague Pandemic and Pandemic as Policy. 

Most of you Kidz, my Gentle Readers, have read MY 'analysis' of trump>>>special Attention given to his Childhood.  I have listened to excerpts of 'Buffy' Trump's Clinical Analysis, with "I told you so" disdain.  I shouldn't because she has affirmed MY Assessment.  It can be 'no other way' since I have employed the Great Works of Others and applied THEIR 'Techniques' both to explore and define trump's >>>>>>>>>>>>>Socio-Political Pathos. 

Great Minds Think Alike......  LMAO     I WISH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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