Saturday, July 4, 2020

"Rock and Roll Hoochie Coo"

I awoke at Mid-Nite ready for work..then I awoke at 1:10, 1:40.  At 2 I heard and saw myself rite-ing blogs, not the bash and brutalization of recognized OBVIOUS >> but the descriptions of the Emerald Beyond I tout as the Absolute and Supreme of Utopian Elegance.  I managed to drag this rotting corpse to the toilet and then down to Here while stopping at the front door to see if the rain had abated.  I performed the Morning Rituals with ease despite the decay and rigor mortis set upon me by the rigor and mortis of shoveling, hole-ing and raking.  The Blessed One now has 2 Golden Leaf Cypress and tw o Variegated Yucca as Adornment, both positioned to Near Exact as they can be. 

I have the very BEST of E-Z this Morning, IFF the Weather 'holds', > the simple setting of Anchors and the Slip and Slide of tiny boulders in the 400 to 700 Weight Class> .  "E-Z Pickin's" as they say.

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