Saturday, July 4, 2020

"Ignorance is Bliss"...

I find it GROTESQUELY Deplorable that ANY 'American' would consider CELEBRATING the 'Independence' of a Republic that has as its "leader" a 'person' who has SINGLE-HANDEDLY  been Responsible for the NEEDLESS Deaths of THOUSANDS of Citizens due to HIS CRIMINAL IMBECILITY, INHUMAN CRUELTY and MANIACAL STUPIDITY !  He has manifested RACISM  as NATIONAL PANDEMIC on the order of Confederate Secession-ism the one that Itself was Responsible for SIX HUNDRED THIRTY THOUSAND Battlefield Sacrifices !!

Exactly what "Freedom" are we to celebrate and at whose Expense ?

Why are we IGNORING the Pandemic and Racial Injustice that has RAVAGED the American Body Politic ???

2 words>>   Selfish does what Selfish IZ.

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