Wednesday, July 8, 2020

National Naturality

Aint nothin' American about America.  Except for the Supreme Indigenous---we are EUROPEAN and better still, we are all >>>OUT OF AFRICA<<< as our Mitachondrial DNA PROVE !!!!!

Slavery is as ANCIENT  as War itself.  Do not doubt that for even a milli-micro-second.  Slavery is Planetary DNA since the Time some asshole figured out that "Why KILL your enemies when you could force THEM to do all OUR grunt work ?"   2 words >  HUMAN NATURE !

Here it is that PLANETARY DNA became AMERICAN DNA and with it SLAVERY.

George Washington was a "Natural Man" >>>  Slavery was also "Natural" <<<  therefore :  George Washington owned Slaves.  It was all as Natural as Natural could be.

Democracy was a "Natural Outcome" of Human Nature  buh bee buh bop 
Slavery is GENETIC.

Consider .

Rock Steady........steady as She goes....

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