Sunday, July 19, 2020

Land of the Greed, Home of the Grave

Toynbee dagger-ed ---->  ...when Democracy is abandoned by Mercantilists, GREED breeds Corruption.  He didn't exactly write That, This is my interpretation.  There's This One, "When a Monopoly Capitalism reaches its Monopolistic State, FINANCE RULES !" (.)

In isn't JUST that Democracy has been 'removed' (IGNORED, DISCARDED, ABANDONED), it's that, like the 'Cradle in the Bough', Storm Winds as well as Age have PROVEN the INNATE Weaknesses of a Democracy based upon Capitalism.  The Pandemic has broken the "Bough" and Baby Democracy, along with its Cradle, (built by the Founding Drunks), has fallen and SHA T T ER ED. 

The question IZ

Did the Cradle fall into a Grave ?

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