Friday, July 10, 2020

...Extra Vagant

I'm SUPPOSE to be writing about Mary Trump, who I have depicted as "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" in this morning's ' "desilva_stephen" @ '.  While outside wandering about dancing with Death and visioning Horse Barn Hill LADEN with Clover as it was Freshman Year, a 'thing' surfaced that made me smile.  It was The Time I Went To Petition Dr. Ward For Entry Into His 'Ancient Greece' Course.  This 'event' was NOT like The Time I Went To Petition Dr. Moynihan For Entry Into His 'Modern Novels' Class.  No and FUCK No, this One was Idylically Extravagant.  Dr. Ward was seated at his desk, SUPREMELY "At Ease" and GENEROUS >>>  He opened with, "What can I do for you ?"  'It' was instantly SOOTHING.  I settled into 'down' and stated my case.  He asked me WHY I wanted 'it' so bad, I told him of ANCIENT Yearning blah, blah blah.  One thing led to another, HE KNEW ABOUT SEEKONK, MASS., my Home Town, because He had attended BROWN UNIVERSITY.  I related my Time on His Campus, how BEAUTIFUL it was and he responded, "In Spring it is indeed Beautiful, I too enjoyed my Time There."  There was a commiserative Pause and he continued, "What do you want to do with your Education ?"  I didn't flinch.  ---I want to start my own School and FEATURE Ancient Greece."

He guffawed into a laff.  "Give me the Papers".

Go figure............

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