Thursday, July 2, 2020


Some of You, my Gentle Readers, went with me to explore and negate Einsteinian Physics.  It isn't that I had a penchant for ExploSIVE Contra-Dynamics, so much as it was Arithmetical in Scope and Measure>> the Arithmetic of the Heart and Its Subsets of Emotions, Ir-Rationalities, Logics and Intuitions.  To give my favorite example :  How can a carrot, a pear and a drunk EQUAL a screw-driver, an automobile and a hair net ??????  Not only is 'Equality' as vague as water, so is 'Same'.  Had I had Face-to-Face with Al I would simply ask 'Show me Love' ---  'show me the Equation whereby Love EQUALS Happiness, Peace and Prosperity'.   'Show me the Numeral or Quadratic Equation that demonstrates the administration of Governmental Authority WITHOUT using " > " and
"<".'  If he were to reply "Life is a Numbers Game" I'd be FORCED to Insist, but Numbers are ABSTRACT CONCEPTS>>  thereby making Life AN ABSTRACT CONCEPT. 

I aint fucking buying it  not for a dime, not even for a nickle.

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