Saturday, July 4, 2020

"Come out with your hands uP"

The Decision to Reform America has ALREADY been INSTITUTED because of 'Civil Unrest', and here 'Civil "Unrest" MAY BE unforgivingly in-judicious.  ANY   Democracy that WILLFULLY accepts a "Shoot To Kill" police MANDATE is NO "Democracy" AT ALL !!  How can it be that "The Will Of, For and By the People" is one of COLD BLOOD and MERCILESS EXECUTION ? ???.
Yet HERE WE ARE, In the Glut of an Already CATASTROPHIC Global Pandemic, where Death IZ >LITERALLY< the Air we Breathe !!!  With THOUSANDS Dying EACH and EVERY Day One would think that Saturation would act as PREVENTATIVE for ANY Needless Demise.  Yet look what has been set upon us !!!  Killer cops with a FEDERAL Mandate, to SLAY 'Runaway Slaves' AT WILL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is ABOMINATION !!!!!!!

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