Sunday, July 19, 2020

"...when the bough breaks..."

Orwell foresaw the abject Necessity for the PUBLIC 'Control of BIG Oil, BIG Transportation, BIG Pharma, BIG Utilities blah blah blah.  BIG Communications had not, as yet, surfaced.   We MUST add to Orwellian Socialism that of BIG Communications, BIG TV, as well as the Old 'Stand-by's' Education, Agriculture, and BIG Finance.  Here too, the OPPRESSIVE Power of the State, as in Its National Guard, Police Force, etc. MUST be addressed, rather UN-Dressed, in order to BEGIN the Reformation, (RE-Institution), of at least a SEMBLANCE of Egalitarian-Ism "Under the Law". 

Covid-19 has GUARANTEED that SOCIALISM is the  >> ONLY  << 'Protective Agent' that can not only 'withstand' Universal Plague, but MANAGE Pandemic IN ITS ENTIRETY.

Here it is that the BEST Accent of Socialism is what It was considered to be in the 70's >>>
"Cradle to Grave" CARE.

Socialism is DEVOID of ANY 'Aspect of Abandonment'.  Socialism will "have your Back", your Front, and both Sides.

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