Sunday, July 19, 2020

"...cradle and all..."

ALL of Us have seen a pond where STAGNATION has AmPLIFIED Stench, Decay, Rot, and whatever Malignancy that has been TRAPPED onto and by its surface. Death ABOUNDS --.  So it is that the American Congress of BOTH 'Houses' IZ SUCH A POND and as such, has fallen Victim to Stagnation.  Toynbee, my HERO, was 'Site Specific' when he noted that "Civilizations fall as a result of Stagnation".  Here it is that sorely needed NEW BLOOD was REJECTED by Civilizations who
sometimes Knowingly and sometimes Un-Wittingly CONDEMNED their Civilization (or Nation) to DEATH by such an abject REFUSAL to undergo said Blood Transfusion  >>> in the American Instance, that of the 'Spanish Speakers', and even of Its OWN, AMERICAN Blacks.  

Please try and understand >>  The Status Quo  IZ  this 'Stagnation'.

The Status Quo has GOT to GO !

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