Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Worn genes.......

Among Scholars and Non-Scholars (Street Urchins) there is PROFITABLE Speculation that the Founding Beer Swillers had Academic access to Ancient Greek Philosophers, whose Intellects reached the Realm of Universal (Cosmic) Ideation, where Democracy was first Envisioned.  Here, Universal Oneness was believed to Exist as ABSOLUTE.  'Man', DESPITE his INFINITE Inferiority, was believed to be CAPABLE of reaching into this Oneness and extracting Utopic Exigencies.  It is my steadfast CONVICTION that these Farmer/Philosophers were INDEED capable of such Wondrous Star-Grasp.  I KNOW >from my own Rock Rigging Experience< that Cosmic Revelations EXIST like Passing Clouds in the Ocean-Sky of PHYSICAL 'Deliberation'.  Such is the Nature of Manual Labor As Bountiful Samadhi. 

Within this Deliberation, however, Human Nature was a Geometry "GIVEN" and HEREIN Lies the Genetic Flaws of which I speak.  Because Man is "Flawed" so too his Genetic Structure, rather, the opposite >>  Man's Genetic Structure accounts for his Flaws.  It was SCIENTIFIC GUARANTEE that WHATEVER Government was 'devised' it was to be FLAWED as well.  There is NO escaping this 'THIS'.

Democracy had NO Chance.

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